Chapter 30 - Gone

Start from the beginning

Dark comes to his senses slightly, and Wilford points to (Y/N). "Dark, you need to try and help her. You can panic later. We have to try and save her. Now," Wilford explains calmly.

Dark nods, taking a deep breath before falling on his knees next to her body. He places his shaking hand onto one of the cuts on her back, and they all speak a silent prayer hoping that the plan will work.

Everyone lets out a breath as her wound heals, and Dark moves onto the next wound on the other side of her back. Following that, Dark heals the bruise around her neck. Dr. Iplier stops Dark, pushing his hand away from her neck as the bruise disappears.

"Healing those cuts will prevent infections, but her ribs are still severely broken and will take a while to heal. Once our energy is back we can work on healing her more. Dark, we need you to take (Y/N) and the rest of us and teleport us to the mansion using the rest of your energy," he orders.

Dark nods and shakily picks her body up from the floor with help from Mark. They all grab onto each other, and Dark teleports them back to the mansion.

Back in Dark's bedroom, Dr.Iplier commands Dark to lay (Y/N) down on the bed. As Dr. Iplier continues to inspect her body, checking for any more damage, Dark races over to his closet and pulls it open. Unable to bear the sight of his blood patched pants any longer, he rips off his trousers followed by his shirt. He slips into black sweat pants and meets Dr. Iplier where he stands by the side of the bed.

"This is really, really bad. She lost a lot of blood, and she's unresponsive. She won't be able to pull through on her own, Dark. You're going have to stay right close to her in order to keep her body temperature stable so she can heal. I give it a minimum of three weeks before she becomes responsive... if she becomes responsive."

"If?" Mark snaps. Dr. Iplier nods.

"Due to her injuries and the blood loss, the chance of survival... it's..."

"Spit it out!" Dark snaps, climbing into his bed. The others gather around, helping him to move her body gently under the covers. He presses himself against her cold skin, and he wraps his arm around her body as best as he can without disturbing the broken ribs.

"The chance of survival is low, Dark. The most we can do right now is keep her warm and in a place where her body can try to heal and her energy can form again," Dr. explains, "This means that if Dark needs to get up, someone needs to take his place to keep her warm. We need to keep her fed and hydrated. Host, give me some more of that gauze and medical tape. I am going to tend to Dark's wound."

"Why don't you just give her a blood transfusion?" Dark asks, a begging look on his face.

"I don't have any on hand, and it wouldn't work very well anyway," Dr. Iplier states, inspecting Dark's wound, "It would be like giving blood to a corpse, Dark. It's not going to work unless she is more alive. Until her organs begin to function again on their own, there is no point in forcing blood."

"Then make her more alive, damn it!" Dark yells.

"My energy is low, I can't heal her without-"


Dr. Iplier slaps Dark on his wound, causing him to let out a pained moan.

"Even if we both used the rest of our energy and we dropped dead, it still wouldn't be enough. She needs time. Rest. The best thing we - you - can do for her, is be here, Dark," Dr. explains gently.

Dark takes a deep breath, black tears stinging the edges of his eyes. "How long? Until we know if...," he asks, his voice catching in his throat, unable to finish his sentence.

"3 weeks, Dark," Dr. says, applying gauze and medical tape to Dark's wound, "Maybe a little bit less."

Dark nodded slowly, his angry face now turning to a sorrowful frown. Mark coaxed the others out of the room silently as Dr. finished treating Dark's wound.

"We will go discuss what we will do for the time being. Yell to us if you need anything. I'll be back up in a bit to tell you about our plan," Mark stated, speaking to Dark, but his eyes on (Y/N)'s nearly lifeless body.

Dark nodded again, laying his head down on the pillow. As soon as Mark left the room, closing the door behind him, the black tears ran from Dark's eyes. He pressed his warm skin against her cold body harder, trying his best to make her warm.

Tears rolled down his face, dropping onto her neck and shoulder, staining her skin black. He kissed her neck gently, weeping into her hair. His arms begged to wrap tighter around her body, but he couldn't hold her tighter for fear of damaging her ribs more. He wanted nothing more than to hold her closer and tell her that he was right here with her, that she would be alright.

It already felt like she was gone.

~I Don't Love, I Lust~ Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now