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"Jin, are you ready to go? We don't need to show up to our anniversary party late."

"Okay, I just want to know, blue or black tie?"

"Baby, the blue one, I always like the blue one." Ken says, putting it around Jin's neck while staring at him.

"Ken, do you think we have time to go back upstairs for a quickie?"

"The way you are looking right now in this suit Jin, makes it so tempting, but we really should leave."

"Just a quickie." Jin pouts as he snuggles up to Ken.

"Okay, but baby we really should be heading out." They begin kissing and removing each other clothes.

"Why are you so good?" Ken asks Jin. The sex the two engaged in was exactly that, quick. Ken starts to get up to shower again, but Jin grabs Ken's wrist to keep him from moving. "I know we need to leave but just indulge me again. It was not enough. Just one more time then I promise we can go." Jin teasingly says.

"Let's go shower. I'll indulge you there, but after that baby, we need to go."

"You spoil me so damn much, what did I do to deserve you. I love you Ken."

"I Love you too." Jin and Ken steps into the shower, indulge each other, and then shower again. They get dress and leave for the engagement party.

"Why does the snow make everything so beautiful? I like the spring but its just something about the snow." Jin laughs and ponders out loud as he drives to the engagement party.

"You remember the time I first met you? It was snowing. I tried so hard to pretend I wasn't freezing my ass off." Ken says with a fond smile on his face.

"Yes, I remember baby. I tried to offer you my coat and you stood there in that thin Gucci white shirt, saying, 'I'm fine, I called the locksmith.' I then asked you to sit in my car out of the cold to wait but you refused."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't trust anybody especially with all the deranged people in the world." Ken puts his hand on Jin's thigh, squeezes it, and laughs.

"You kept saying." Before Jin could finish, a loud noise is heard, and the SUV that they are in begins flipping and comes to a stop. Jin comes to himself and looks for Ken. He is lying outside the car and unresponsive. Jin tries to move but his leg is stuck, he screams.

"Ken. Baby. Say something. Ken, talk to me. I'm coming baby, please say something." He tries to move but he can't move his leg. He hears the siren sounds and people talking. He blacks out.

Ken died that night at the scene of the accident.  


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