Chapter 4

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Fengjiu had just finished interviewing the parents of all the missing children, including the mother of the baby girl stolen last night. The mother had not cried. She just looked empty. And it was Fengjiu's fault. She should have been faster, should have shoved past those guards with no apologies, should not have gotten distracted by Donghua. Then, perhaps the child would not be lost.

Fengjiu was so lost in her angry thoughts she didn't see him until she ran into his back. She looked up, and her hand immediately went to her sword.

He turned around with a smirk. The man must think himself quite handsome.

"What are you doing outside my den again? Speak clearly, I am in no mood for lies."

He raised his arms. "Now, Xiao Hong, don't be so hurtful. This humble one is just waiting for your return."

"Why, why are you waiting for me? And stop calling me that!"

"But you are my Xiao Hong. We are fated."

"No, we are not. And my name is Bai Fengjiu!"

He walked closer. She swung her sword without hesitation and he dodged it with ease.

"But you are red, not white." He laughed a little and dodged another swing, his arms folded behind his back. "Now, little wife, be careful. The blade is sharp."

He slipped past her blade and gently grabbed her hand. His face was close to hers, making her freeze. He touched the red between her forehead. He smiled softly, a far away look in his eye, and his grip loosened. Fengjiu took the opportunity to escape his grasp.

He looked slightly hurt by her lack of affection.

"I have waited so long to find you again. You don't know me yet, but you will. It's all written in stone."

"I don't care about what's written on some stone. Leave. And do not come back."

Surprisingly, the man vanished, leaving Fengjiu with a strange unsettled feeling in her chest. His answers only left her more confused.

Did she know him? His words made it seem as though she should.

But, no, Fengjiu thought, I'd definitely remember someone like him.

She rubbed her throbbing temple as she walked into her den. Stepping inside, she decided extra protection was needed and put up a second strong barrier around her home. She slumped into a chair as Migu rushed to greet her.

"Queen," he bowed while looking worried. "Are you heading to bed?"

She shook her head.

"How can I sleep now?" Tears started to fill her eyes, so she turned away. Queens should not cry. "There are still children out there counting on me."

"Little Queen, please, you should rest."

"No!" Her voice bordered on childish. "Migu, I'm not sleeping. Get me some strong tea. I'm going out after I wake up a little."



She must have sounded rather pitiful because Migu finally bowed and left. Resting her head on her hand, her eyes were especially heavy. She tried to lift her head, but could not muster the energy. Sleep was dragging her down.

The Fires of Fate Can Turn to AshesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora