Chapter 3

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Donghua sat in his study staring blankly at a scroll. Truthfully, he was only thinking of his encounter with Fengjiu last night. She looked exhausted, like she could collapse at any moment. And he was worried, though he couldn't admit it out loud. He had to keep such things to himself.

Yesterday, she had left first. She had left him without being forced. Was she moving on so quickly? His hand fell on her fox tail tied around his waist. No. There was something else happening here.

"My lord." Si Ming interrupted his thoughts.

Donghua looked at him expectantly. If something was wrong with Fengjiu, Si Ming would certainly report it. Normally such things were small annoyances, but today he really wanted to know what the little Queen was doing, if she was okay. Because last night she was definitely not okay.

"Speak quickly." Donghua kept his voice flat as he set down the scriptures in his hand.

Si Ming spoke with an air of nervousness as he always did when it came to bringing up the little queen to his lord.

"Ah... Well, the little queen is facing some troubles and this humble one thought to report this to you."

Donghua sighed, acting indifferent but inside his heart was churning with worry.

"What is it? Hopefully something interesting for you to interrupt my morning."

Si Ming frowned. Should he not continue? But he had to. Si Ming felt truly troubled for his friend, and the scribe knew his lord well enough to know his indifference was most likely false.

"Recently, children of Qingqiu have been going missing, stolen from right under their parent's noses." Donghua's eyes narrowed as the star lord continued. "Last night another child was taken. The little queen charged past the gatekeepers! Ah, now Tianjun is having a small fit! He called her to meet with him about the matter but she refused. I'm really wor-"

Si Ming looked up to find his lord had rushed off already. The scribe could not help but smile slightly and shake his head.

"Oh, Fate, are you sure about those two?" He muttered to himself and sighed. Watching them was really exhausting.


Donghua Dijun arrived at the hall looking gracefully calm, not at all as though he had hurried there. Sure enough, that Tianjun was on his high horse ranting and sputtering on about disrespect and insolence. Donghua gave a small cough and Tianjun stopped to greet him.

"Greetings Dijun." The god bowed.

"What has your face so red this morning?"

Dijun did not care to save him any face today. Feeling embarrassed, Tianjun sat down and took a deep breath.

"That young Queen Bai Fengjiu charged into our heaven's gates, injured our two guards, and now refuses to take responsibility for her actions!" His face turned a shade of purple, "She even blames us for the loss of a Qingqiu child! Such blatant disrespect for her elders and heaven's rules!"

Donghua nodded, and Tianjun sat up straighter, thinking the stone god would validate his anger.

"I have heard of this. The little Queen was investigating the missing children's case, and this led her to the heavens. The guards ignorantly stopped her from passing. They caused her to lose the trail and yet another child." Tianjun paled at Dijun's direct statement. "Of course she is angered by this blatant disrespect. Tianjun, seniority is not everything. Bai Fengjiu is still a respectable queen despite her young age, and she should be treated as such."

Of course the irony of his words were not lost on Dijun. Thinking back to last night he felt a pang of guilt. He should've listened to her, should have trusted her. But, the past could not be changed. At least he could smooth this over easily enough.

Due to Dijun's icy calm words, Tianjun had no choice but to yield.

"I see... This is an injustice on our part. I shall send apologies immediately as well as our own people to help the young queen in her mission."

Dijun nodded, "This is indeed a good show of faith between the two realms. I will go aid the young queen, no need to send anyone else."

With that the stone god left the lord of the heavens without any face at all to save.

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