The Final Test

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Logan sleeps in for only a little bit. Instead of getting up at six forty five, he gets up at around seven twenty. He stretches, goes to eat breakfast. Then goes to the bamboo forest to meditate. Throughout Logan's days of training, the weather has been mostly warm and sunny. But with the season changing from summer to fall, it has been quite cool. The wind blows, and the leaves fall smoothly onto the ground. It is a grey, cloudy day at the Jasmine Falls temple. Osami walks into the bamboo forest as well, although he thinks that Logan doesn't see him, nor did he hear him. Yet Logan has superhuman senses, and he not only heard Osami coming, but he also smelled him coming as well. Osami hurls a stone at Wolverine, but Logan simply moves his head out of the way, rolls, twirls in the air and assumes a fighting stance. He executed those moves faster than the human eye could follow.

"Brilliant Logan-San," said Osami.

"Thank you master," answers Logan. He bows when he says this. Osami walks up to him, with the wind blowing and leaves falling off of the trees. It is a beautiful and peaceful scene. The sky is gray, and it seems that it may even rain today.

"A storm is coming Logan-San. Midnight is a very skilled warrior. He thinks no one can defeat him. But, there is a prophecy."

"A prophecy? What do you mean master?" asked Logan. Osami takes a seat in the grass across from Logan. He breathes in and out slowly.

"Long ago, our ancestors told us that a great evil would come into our land, and try to conquer it. To control our people. For as of right now, we are living in peace and harmony. But Midnight, and the Opossum clan want to end that. However, our ancestors said that someone would help us in those dark times, and free us."

"And who is this person? Is it a man? A woman? Who, or what could it be master?" asked Logan.

"There will come a man from the west, clad in tan and yellow.

His past will run deep, but his claws will run deeper, beware to those who are foe.

With his might and skill he will bring balance to the clans.

His ferocity will be greater than that of a black bear, he will defeat the demon summoner, and behold, he will care.

For the people of our valley and land, he will treat us right.

He will not be like the demons that haunt us at night.

He will drive the secret evil out of our valley and bring peace and serenity.

With the heart of a beast and the soul of a samurai, he will bring us tranquility."

"When was this written?" asks Logan.

"500 years ago," answered Osami.

"You think that I'm the one? There are other clawed westerners you know," answered Logan.

"It doesn't matter, you must complete the final test of your training," said Osami. Logan goes back to his quarters to relax for a little bit, and then after about an hour, he goes down to eat his lunch.

Wolverine: Heart of a Beast, Soul of a Samurai Arc #2: ReminiscenceWhere stories live. Discover now