The Beginning

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After a goodnight's sleep and breakfast, Logan begins his training in Jasmine Falls. The temple is beautiful. It looks much more beautiful with the sunrise. He wakes up, stretches in his dorm, then goes down to have breakfast. After he eats breakfast, he goes down to the training grounds. Once he arrives, Osami is waiting for him. His hands are behind his back.

"Ohayō rōgan-san. Kyō wa torēningu no saisho no hidesu." (Good morning Logan-San. Today is your first day of training).   Logan wears jeans, some boots, and a clean white tank top.

"Watashitachiha kyō masutā nani o manande imasu ka?" asked Logan. (What are we learning today master?). 

"Kyō wa aikidō o manabimasu," said Osami.  (Today you will be learning Aikido).  

"Tanoshī yō ni kikoeru," answered Wolverine.  (Sounds like fun).  For hours, Wolverine trains with Osami. While he trains, Jubilee hurries over to her job, where she will be working at a local supermarket. Although while training, it has been quite some time since Logan used any aikido. He struggles with the techniques, for his memories are a bit rusty. Osami strikes him in the private part area.

"Sore o teishi suru! Watashi ga oshieta tekunikku o shiyō shite kudasai! Rōgan, anata wa anata no chiyu inshi to adamantiumu no kokkaku dake ni tayoru koto wa dekimasen! Anata wa sore yori mo haruka ni jukuren shite imasu! Tatakatte iru ma, dōshite kono muchina yaban hito ni mi o sageru no ka wakarimasen!'" excalimed Osami.  (Stop that! Use the technique I taught you! Logan, you cannot just rely on your healing factor and adamantium skeleton! You are so much more skilled than that! I don't know why you lower yourself to this mindless brute while fighting!). Logan tries a kick, but Osami easily deflects it. The day of training ends, and Osami tells Logan what he needs to work on.

"Subete rōgan-san. Anata wa jibun no tsume to iyashino yōso o tsukatte tatakai ni katsu koto ni narete kimashita. Korera no fōmu wa sudeni masutā shite irunode, mōichido jikkō dekimasu. Anata wa tsuneni tatakai ni katsu tame ni korera no 2tsu no koto ni tayoru koto wa dekimasen. Anata no chikara," said Osami.  (Everything Logan-San. You have grown used to using your claws and healing factor to win a battle. You have already mastered these forms, you can do it again. You cannot always rely on those two things to win a fight. Use the full extent of your powers and abilities!). Logan bows to Osami, and they both hit the showers and go and eat dinner.


A few more days pass by, and within the week, Logan has remastered aikido. Osami is proud of him.

"Anata wa kono fōmu no Logan - San o ikani hayaku shūtoku shita ka ni odorokasa remashita. Watashi wa anata no nintai-ryoku to guritto ni manzoku shite imasu. Mata, soreni jikan o kakemashita!" yelled Osami.  (You surprised me with how fast you mastered this form Logan-San. I am pleased with your perseverance and grit. You also took your time with it).  

"Osami-sama arigatōgozaimasu," replied Logan as he bowed.  (Thank you master Osami).   

"Shikashi, manabubeki koto wa takusan arimasu. Oiwai no jikan wa arimasen," said Osami harshly. (But you have much more to learn. No time for celebration).   Deep within the mountains, many miles into the uncharted territory of the Angulo lands, lies Midnight, the superhuman who has the ability to bring about one's inner demons and cause them turmoil. Not only that, he has mastered many forms of martial arts in Japan, and a vast variety of superhuman abilities. He meditates and gathers his strength and resources for the invasion of the Tiger and Bear Clans. A long time ago, in ancient Japan, there were three clans. The Bear clan, the Tiger clan, and the Opossum clan. The Opossum clan was the weakest out of the three, and they were constantly mocked and looked at as lesser than. For they were subject to raids from other kingdoms, and they were mocked and looked down upon for making the kingdom of Tanchula look weak. For centuries the opossum clan was forced to live off the scraps of the Tiger and the Bear clans. Over time however, the Opossum clan did get stronger and became more powerful. They bided their time, growing stronger, developing a military, and using their resources as well. Then, a westerner came with the mutant ability to control someones' inner demons. This man was then trained in the ways of the samurai, and mastered many forms of combat. He also was born with superhuman abilities. He was later trained in a few african martial arts as well. His name was Midnight. And the Opossum clan believed that he was the one to bring them to power.  

Wolverine: Heart of a Beast, Soul of a Samurai Arc #2: ReminiscenceWhere stories live. Discover now