The Raid of Chisana Mura

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It was an autumn evening, and the full moon shone brightly all around Japan. Peace and serenity filled the land, save for except the bustling city of Tokyo. A cool, gentle breeze surrounded the Valley of Dedkun. It was here on this valley that both the Bear and Tiger clans fought their deadliest battle, losing 800 troops on both of their sides. The valley was surrounded by rocks and great slopes. About a mile away stood the small village of Chisana Mura. Midnight stood in the valley of Dedkun. He stopped, and looked at the ground. Old, rusty helmets, weapons, no one had cleaned up this valley for centuries. Maybe even thousands of years. Midnight continued to walk, leading his troops toward the village of Chisana Mura. Not far away, about 3 miles stood Jasmine Falls. It was about 3 miles from the Valley of Dedkun. As Midnight and his troops quietly made their way towards the village, they spoke of their plans.

"Ogun told us not to attack the village until 9 pm. And that is what we shall do. Everyone get into their positions." Ordered Midnight. A scout from the Jasmine Falls temple heard of their plan, and hurried back to Jasmine Falls. He told Roku about the news.

"Quickly, awaken our best students. We must defend the village." One of the students tells Wolverine about the plan. The mutant hurries over to his closet, and puts on his tan and brown suit. Wolverine, Roku, and 20 students hurry over to Chisana Mura, for the raid has most likely already begun. After running for two and a half miles, they look down at the village. The raid has already begun. Three houses are burning, screams are heard throughout the streets. Wolverine growls.

"Let's get busy boys!" He led the charge down the hill, but the company was silent. Some students went onto the streets, going to work against the enemy, while Wolverine ran along the rooftops. He ran, jumped on top of a house, flipped over another, then leaped through a window straight like an arrow, then twirled onto another rooftop. His grace was like that of a deer, and on the streets, the ninjas of the Opossum clan stood in awe. The village of Chisana Mura was a very traditional looking village. The roofs were Irimoya type, the streets were lit by traditional lanterns, and the attack took place on the eastern side of the village. The village was protected by walls, but the military wasn't very strong, making the village easy targets. To the western side stood the sea of Shinrai. Or the Sea of Trust. To the west stood great hills made of rock and stone and to the south stood forests and valleys.

"Are mita!?" (Did you see that?!)

"Ara wa dare?!" (Who is that?!)

"Dareka ga son'nani hayaku ugoku no o mita koto ga nai!" (I've never seen someone move so fast!)  Wolverine twirls off of a rooftop, lands on the ground, puts both hands on the ground then kicks a man in the chest with two feet. Roku and his students go to work, fighting off the invaders, and putting out the fires that have been started by the Opossum clan. The night is young, and the fires of a raid begin to burn. People crowd the streets, yelling in pain, some are either killed by the fire or killed by the blades of the Opossum clan. Women and children do their best to keep each other safe, but some are murdered right before Logan's eyes. He is outraged by the injustice. Three Opossum samurai surround Wolverine. One is armed with nunchucks, one is armed with a katana, and the other is armed with a bola. The one with the bola swings his weapon around, he hurls it at Logan, who sidesteps, twirls toward him, kicking him in the face, breaking his jaw. The other leaps at him with their katana, Logan senses him coming, he smiles. The soldier jabs at him from behind, Logan sidesteps, grabs the blade of the sword, bends it, breaks it, spins, then stabs the soldier in the neck. He does all of this with incredible speed. The last one hits him with the nunchucks. He hits him in the head, then the stomach, making Logan bend over, he then punches Logan in the face, but he grasps his hand, for when he struck the mutant his hand hurt.

"Adamantium skeleton bub!" says Logan. And with that he unsheathed his claws. SNIKT. The ninja attacked with his nunchucks. Logan parried the strikes with his claws. He sheathed his claws. The student attacks. Logan uses his wrist to parry the strike. He grimaces while he parries it. Then he grabs the nunchuck, twists it, making the students' arm get in a lock, pulling the student toward him, then using the flat of his hand to strike the student in the ground. The battle continues to rage in the streets. Logan goes around and stabs the men he knocked out in the neck, killing them. Four more men show up, but Logan makes quick work of them, using his claws to hack and slash his opponents. Then, he notices that one of the men is giving Roku's men problems. A black man, whose muscles glow in the light of the blazing fire. He holds a student by the cloth, then beheads him. Wolverine growls. Midnight looks at him, with those golden, intense eyes, that look deep within your soul. The two charge at each other. Wolverine roars.

"ARRGGHH!!" He tries to punch across his face, Midnight sidesteps. He tries a straight punch, which Wolverine easily parries with a windmill block. Wolverine then tries a roundhouse kick, Midnight ducks, leaps onto a statue, then tries to punch Wolverine across the face, but Logan dodges the blow. The two go back and forth, dodging, even landing some hits on each other. Then Midnight gains the upper hand. Logan tries a side kick, which Midnight catches, then he throws wolverine into a wall of a house. KRRISH Logan has blood on his face, but his healing factor quickly mends it.

"RAAAGH!" Wolverine leaps out of the house, kicks Midnight across the face, then slams him into the wall. Midnight gets up. Wolverine attacks, but suddenly, he sees images of his dark past. The death of silver fox, when he was a lab rat of Weapon X, or when Magneto took all of the adamantium out of him. He falls to his knees in pain, yelling in agony.


"Mayonaka, watashitachiha busshi o motte imasu!" (Midnight, we have the supplies!)

"Sāikō!" (Let's go!)  The Opossum clan flees, jumping on the rooftops and into the darkness. Some of the students try to follow, but Roku stops them. Wolverine gets up. He looks at Midnight, and Midnight looks at him, and Logan has a hunch that this won't be the last time he faces Midnigh. Roku, Wolverine, and the surviving students help put out the fires and make sure that the civilians are safe. Roku approaches Wolverine.

"Logan-San, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Master Roku. But, I know who that ninja was."

"Who was he?" asked Master Roku.

"It was Midnight. The warrior you were talking about."

"It cannot be. I did not see him in the raid."

"That's crazy cuz I sure did see him," replied Wolverine.

"What did you think?" asked Roku.

"I was surprised by his speed," said Wolverine.

"Master Ogun, I was surprised by his durability," said Midnight.

"Sakihodo mo iimashita! Kare wa hīringufakutā o motsu myūtantodeari, hotondo kowarenai sukeruta desu." (I told you! He is a mutant with a healing factor, and a near unbreakable skeleton).  

"Master, he is quite skilled as well. And he is powerful. I can feel it. But his past is haunted, and I will use that against him."

"Watashi no deshi o yūshū ni shite kudasai. Soshite, uruvu~arin o e kara hazusu to, kuma-zoku to taigā shizoku ni taisuru fukushū ga ari, kono tochi o tetsu no ken de shihai shimasu." (Excellent my apprentice. And once we put Wolverine out of the picture, we will have revenge against the Bear and Tiger clans, and we will rule this land with an iron fist).  

Wolverine: Heart of a Beast, Soul of a Samurai Arc #2: ReminiscenceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang