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< leety >

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< leety >

today at:

Jaemin's worried for u
But he asked me to check up bc he doesn't want to annoy u

lmao but why?
i'm fine.

Ur like
Really really bad at lying
Like REALLY bad

i'm like deadass not lying though.

Uh huh
Yea ok for sure lmao
Ik u might not wanna talk about it
But if u do
I'm free to listen

johnny and jaehyun are my friends and i love them.
i'm not upset taeyong.
i'm happy.
i'm really happy for them.

Do u know people can be hurt and happy at the same time??
Yea it's the definition of u

you're literally changing my words up.

It might be unbelievable
But I probably know u way more than u yourself do
We can't do anything about it now...
Johnny and Jaehyun.
But all we can do is support
I know it's hard
But there's nothing to do anymore
It's just U and I and them

you really think it wouldn't be hard?
johnny's the first person i've felt safe around ever since jaehyun.
he's the only person who made me feel worth it.
he made me happy.

Let go Doyoung
There's no use in holding on anymore
There's nothing to even hold onto anymore
Just a memory now
You just have to
Some things just don't happen even if we want them to

it's really fucking difficult.
of course nothing would go the way i want it.
i'm a faggot.
a stupid fucking faggot.
i'm gay and get my hopes up not only to be hurt again.
see, this wouldn't be a problem if i was straight like everyone else.
i wouldn't have to come out and get bashed.
or fear of being judged.
this shit is so stupid.
i fucking hate it here.
i hate myself.

Please calm down

i know you're trying so hard to help but every time you do, it reminds me of how
much of a shitty person i am.
the fact that you try.
taeyong, i've already told you this.
a weak person stays weak, there's no use fighting if you know you can't win.
and i'm weak.

U aren't weak
You're strong
Stop saying that

cut the bullshit.
you're a great person but spend your energy on someone that deserves it.
all i do is cry and sob about person a or person b not liking me.
just, go.

I won't
You are my friend
I protect my friends Doyoung
And I said I'd always stand by my words when I meant that

stop lying to yourself.

This isn't pity
This is sympathy
And comfort
And wanting to help
I want to be here for you Doyoung
Please believe me
I don't want to lose you again

tae, i just don't care.

If I were to call you on the phone right now
You wouldn't be crying would you?


'Yongie 🥔 '
is calling...


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