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< mikgnuoyod >

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< mikgnuoyod >

today at:

my plantly instincts are telling me u have no fking clue on how to raise flower babies

what the fuck you on about?-
they're literally just flowers.

ur going to kill them

everything will die in the end anyways.

ok but the goal is to nurture for a long time until it's at its peak
so i'm teaching u


ok so since ur raising sunflowers (the best of the best)
here's how u do it
u should water the sunflowers when the top inch of the soil is dry
n aim to keep the soil moist but def not SOGGY!!!
water them regularly for like 20 ish days before n  after flowering for optimum growth
and during the growing season fertilise them with a water soluble house plant fertiliser

what the hell.
why do you know so much about a flower.

sunflowers are my favourite flower hehe

oh that makes sense.
i mean,
you're really pretty like a sunflower, too lol.

dude r u flirting w me

dAmn was it obvious? 😩

ur dumb ily lmaoksmekd 💀💀
but fr doe
try to take care of it as a hobby and a thing to do while ur unwell
sunflowers usually last 6-12 days too
n since i'm so 'pretty" like one
it can remind u of me!
and hopefully make u smile

ew that was so mf cheesy.
but ahaha, i'm sure it will.

bruh shhhh
ik u love me LMAO
so do this for me

yeah, okay okay. got it.
i'll make sure to 'nurture' it then.

hehe neways i gotta go
bye hehehehe

bye johnny.
i love you.

lmao love u tOo


sunflower 🌻, johnjae [ ✔ ]Where stories live. Discover now