Chapter 47: Hopes and Dreams

Start from the beginning

I wrapped my arms around him, pressing Jungkook's body against mine before sitting him on my lap. He buried his face in my shoulder, skin hot and dry.

Only after a while did his muscles relax and his sobs quieted down. I immediately pounced on the opportunity. "Kookie, are you hungry?"


"I have no clue why, but you've brought yourself to a dangerous state. You must do as I say." I put him down. "Will you? For me?"

Once Jungkook nodded, I got up to exit the room. "Wait!" he called. "Don't go..."

"I'm not leaving, silly," I told him," it's a promise."

I shot the door behind me, leaned on it, feeling weak, like I'd fall forward without its support, and let out a long, loud sigh.

His mother stayed nearby, chewing on her nails. "This is bad," she whispered, "is it not?"

"I don't understand why he's acting out, though Jungkook's still in much better health than I'd expected. He agreed to eat," I said.

"Oh! Bless you!" she cried and threw herself on me, suffocating us in a tight, desperate hug.

Mrs. Jeon ran to the kitchen, and I intended to return to Jungkook with a bottle of water. I entered the room, then froze. The dead stare I received from her son was most unsettling; his orbs were following me while I kept moving closer until I was close enough for him to grab my arm and push me onto his bed.

"Wha...?" Jungkook buried his head in my stomach, having another meltdown. "What could mess you up this bad?"

I was filling with relief when he junked in the liquid, later eating his favorite pancakes bite after bite. Afterward, finally, I could watch Jungkook's strength returning after he'd taken a shower.

By the time Jungkook was back on his feet, it was too late for school. Nonetheless, I didn't wish for him to dwell in his stinky cave of misery any longer. "Would you like to go out with me and eat some more? We might get ice cream."

It was useless helping him through words, so we planned to help through his newly restored appetite.

Despite receiving a positive reply almost immediately, he wasn't as happy as any other time we went on a simple date. When we arrived at the small coffee shop, his morale was no longer at its lowest, and he seemed to be somewhat enjoying his dessert. Though he was far from smiling.

Jungkook left me no choice. I took a little of my vanilla ice cream onto my finger and covered the front of my nose bulb with a smooth circle of white cream. Then, starting around half a centimeter out from it, I drew one straight line ending parallel with the edge of my eye. I repeated the action a few more times on each cheek and checked my reflection on the tiny, silver spoon, each line exactly 22.5 degrees apart.

"Cat whiskers? Really?" He let out his first chuckle. "Your skin is going to be all sticky now."

"It seemed to cheer you up, so it was worth it."

The boy rested face on his fist, his expression bearing tinier glimpses of sadness. "I'm lucky to have you," he said. "Thank you for all of this."

I was unable to do anything but beaming in response. "How are you feeling now?"

"Better... I guess."

Not as well as I hoped he would be. We led on a refreshing conversation, and he, still, paused at times, recalling what appeared to be a depressing memory.

"I lost Robert," he suddenly uttered. Confused, I titled my head, questioning what he meant by 'lost.' "He cut ties with me, he told me I had changed, and he didn't feel comfortable around me anymore..."

Jungkook lifted his feet onto the seat and hugged his knees. "You're lucky, Robert's a great friend," he continued. "He never spoke ill of me, even when he viewed me as a vile human being. Never." He nuzzled into them. "You might still have him, I envy that, because he has nothing against you... If anything, he cares... What we had back in the day was one of the reasons why."

"I was one of the reasons Robert left you?!" My heart broke in half. "I'm so sorry, Kookie, I'm so so sorry..."

"It's not your fault, Tae," he said, "it's all on me. Actions have consequences, and I should learn that by now..."

"Should I talk to him and...?"

"Don't," he spat at once. "There's no point. Robert doesn't want to be my friend. I take full responsibility, I'm to blame, and we can't force the guy near somebody who upsets him."

I took his hand and started caressing it with a light motion. Seeing him consumed by so much guilt was killing me. "I know you're hurt. These actions must bring you so much sorrow..."

"Don't be mad at him, alright? He felt such distaste and yet desired no harm upon me... It's best to see this as a lesson, I did do something terrible, it's you who are making me a better man." He kissed the back of my palm. "I'd like to let you continue doing that."

"And I, too, will let you make me a better man," I told him.

The wide bunny grin I loved more than anything, was back at last. "The two of you had taught me so much, and after everything, you're still here, right by my side, turning the worst days of my life into a bearable experience. Perhaps, together, we can turn today from bitter to bittersweet."

I leaned closer to him. "Say the word, and I'll do anything."

Jungkook gazed into my eyes with the most hope and admiration, his black orbs shining while he kept talking. "I'll make new friends, and I promise to treat them right. I will make it in life no matter what, become a successful businessman, like Dad, but kinder, and I will keep you alongside me, just like always... We'll marry and start a family..."

With burning cheeks, I could only match Jungkook's smile and listen to him go on and on about our future, making it sound simple and obvious.

"Wait, Taehyung. I didn't ask, did I?"

The words flew right out of my mouth: "I will marry you, Jungkook."


"And if you don't propose, I'll fucking make you," I declared.

"That's the attitude I want my husband to have!"

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