Chapter 32: Lovey-Dovey

Depuis le début

There was nothing more important to Jungkook than feeling needed.

"Now that you've let enough of it out, you psycho, how about you talk to her?" I said after we finally sat down in the crowded front yard.

Jungkook bit his lip and took a deep breath. "Maybe you're right. It's getting ridiculous..."

Two girls separated themselves from their group and began approaching us. As he remained deep in thought. I tried signaling the boy was not in the mood for an unfamiliar chat, yet they proceeded anyway.

"Are you guys, like, together? Erica saw you holding Kim's hand."

My chest tightened. Hearing the two bringing the topic up had almost sent me into a primal panic attack.

"I don't assume women are dating when I see them holding hands," he replied. Jungkook, without a doubt, was furious.

"Yeah, but like, it's different."

"Yeah, but like, it's really not," he mimicked them.

One of the girls wore a nasty expression and began dragging her companion away. "Leave them alone. He's an asshole..."

"That's it!" Jungkook called when they'd gone out of our sight. "You're not right!"

"Jungkook, calm down."

"She just god damn outed you, and you're not ready!" he cried.

"Erica doesn't know that," I said.

The boy only grew madder. "So what? She shouldn't assume. You're not loud and proud, and she should have wondered about it first before spreading it around the whole fucking school!"

"Calm down. Not every openly gay person wears a rainbow watch, and you held my hand," I told him. "Erica had no way to know. She loves couples and relationships, so she was probably excited to tell her group because she found it interesting."

"Don't blame me! That witch is terrifying, and I'm a small bean who needs protection!"

Jungkook's P.O.V

Forced to sit next to Robert for another hour and a half with nobody to whom I could rant, I had Taehyung's encouraging looks from the other side of the classroom alone, as he was nudging me to take action.

The supportive looks were enough, and so I did. "There's a movie coming out this weekend, perhaps we can—"

"Sorry, Kook, I have plans," Robert told me.

I frowned. "But we have a bunch of exams later, and none of us will have the time to go and watch it. We were both super hyped for that one, don't you want to hear which?"

"That's unfortunate," he said and patted my shoulder. "Maybe you should take Kim with you."

I leaned onto the desk, the lesson went on, and I couldn't concentrate on our teacher's lecture, waiting for it to be over. When it was, however, Robert stood up and grabbed his bag.

"Hey, Robs!" I tried to follow suit as my boyfriend's attempts to cheer me on grew more noticeable. "How about we walk home together?"

"Sorry, man..." Erica stepped into the room as the rest of the students were leaving. "I've already promised to walk that lovely lady instead."

That was the last straw.

"Of course, you'd rather that." She had taken even the smallest things away. "Every straight guy would rather be with that walking, talking Barbie sex doll. You'd sacrifice every second of your pitiful existence to get laid."

"Dude, what the fuck?"

The words continued blurting out. "Hope you'll have fun with that obnoxious whore because clearly, your best mate isn't enough!"


"Don't expect my help when your obsessed ass gets dumped for some stupid reason, like your glasses, or your laugh, or any other excuse a slut would come up with if she finds a man with a bigger dick!"

With that, I ran away.


"You're an idiot," Taehyung said. Our boss had installed a new addition to the restaurant, a bar, and my boyfriend was busy cleaning up the fancy glasses.

"I am an idiot."

"You are a hypocrite too, Jungkook. You were spending so much time with me at first, none with Robert, and now, you don't like him doing the same shit to you?" he asked.

"Kim Taehyung, the bartender. Such a hot concept..."

"You must apologize to both of them," he told me. "I won't kiss you until you do, remember that. Now back to work!"


I rushed to school a few days later, sprinted to my classroom, sat down at my seat, and began shifting my weight from side to side, unable to rest. I waited and waited, yearning to see Taehyung and tell him about the announcement I'd received that same morning.

A person entered the class, then another, and again, until finally, I jumped up at the sight of my lover. "Mom and Dad are going out this evening!" Taehyung's eyes danced around as a reminder, and I lowered my pitch. "You know what that means, right?"

"Sure, I'll be there." He chuckled and pointed at the door, next to which a couple was flirting. "Though I'd already told you, I won't kiss you until you apologize to them."

"It'll be a shame, but we've already done it without kissing so—"

"Jungkook..." Taehyung glared.

"Okay. Fine. Whatever. I'll do it."

I watched the blond leaving Robert right before the bell had rung, and he sat next to me. I tried to start a chat, however, Robert, the same nerd he'd forever been, requested of me not to distract him due to the upcoming test. I nodded quietly, and each second into the lesson, I glanced at my watch to count the minutes left.

The break had started.

Looking down, I tabbed his shoulder, running the apology through my head. "Hey, buddy, I—"

"We'd talk some other time, alright? Erica's waiting for me. Sorry!" Robert waved and raced out of the classroom.

Taehyung left his desk and followed me when I was exiting the room. "How did it go?" he asked.

I turned to him, my palms twitching. "I did what you wanted me to do." I took one step closer. "I'm fucking pissed. The choice is yours, but I warn you," I said, "if you choose to show up, the night is going to be rough."

"Oh." Taehyung gulped. 

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