Lost part 9

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Sky's pov

Standing inside mesmerized by everything I stare into blank space ( even though I've already been here)

Jenn and Andrea walk in

Jenn: sky are u okay!?

I'm fine, I said, I'm gonna go to bed now

Andrea: what about dinner?

Oh yeah I didn't tell you," I said walking towards andrea and Jenn

Andrea: tell me what

Sky: I ... I, I'm anorexic , but think about it in a good way now you don't need to buy extra food for me.

"Lauren and Arden walks up behind sky"

Arden: Omg I feel terrible

Sky: (jumps) holy shit Arden you scared me

Lauren: aha

Yeah sooo hate to break it to ya but I don't eat, and I'm not going to.sorry,

The next morning 7:00am

Sky's pov ( texting trev)

(T) <(morning skyy💖)

( I'm coming over now everyone's asleep here I'll be . ( There in a few🙈💙)>(S)

(T)<( okay babe💛)

( I'm here open the door)>(S)
(T)<( okayy)


Trev opens the door and I was welcomed in

Trev: wanna watch a movie on the laptop ?😊

Yeah I said come one lets go. In the living room but quietly" I said pulling him over to the couch

Trev: calm down sky "giggles"

We sit on the couch and I softly laid my head on his shoulder and he put his hand on my lower thigh


Trevor: what😏

It's just I , I uh never mind I said

Trev: Come On Tell Me!😏😫

Sky: your hands are cold and there shaking what's wrong

Trev: I'm nervous .. I guess

For what?

Trev:... To ask you this..Will you officially be my girlfriend?

Sky giggles and slightly smiles

Sky: yes trev ! " leans in and kisses trev"

" kian walks in"


Trevor: we uh we. We're watching a movie

Kian: that's not what it looked like to me

Sky: "giggles"

Kian: what are you laughing at " crosses arms and smiles at trev and sky"

Sky: nothinggg😂 " looks at trev and they both giggle"

Kian: okay seriously what's happening between u 2

Trevor: that's a stupid question

Kian: so you two are officially a thing?

Sky: mhm.. 😬

Kian: JC I WAS RIGHT "JC comes running out"


kian: SKYLERS GOT A BOY FRIEND ! Ooooh I'm telling Andrea and Jenn

Sky: go nuts 😂

Trev: please go away

JC and kian: nope, kiss first so we know it's official

sky: kian u just saw us tho

JC: soooo

Trev: fine.

JC: stand up then kiss

Sky: JC your weirrrddda!

" stands up"

Trev: "whispers" ... I love you

Sky: "whispers back" I love you too

"Trev leans in and kisses me.. Again"


Kian: u can stop now

JC: there so into the moment it's funny " takes pic"

Kian: "walks up to us" take a minute to breath

" we stop and trev pushes me closer and I lay my head on his shoulder"

JC: you guys are super close rn

Sky: and your point is ?

Kian: I'm tweeting the pic

Trevor: DONT PLS

Sky: 😂 trev calm down

JC: I'm sending a pic of you guys to Jenn .

Trev: JC stawpa😩

Sky: Go ahead JC

Trev: sky!

Sky: Trevor!

Kian: Kian!

Jc: really kian

JC: picture sent:)

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