Chapter 31: Guinivere

Start from the beginning

When Guinivere turned to her own older brothers, she was given intense stares of love and brief shoulder taps of comfort.

For parting gifts, Nazareth handed her a bottle of acid and Aurelion shoved a folder into her arms with blackmail material of all her classmates.

There was an attempt, and she appreciated them, but she sometimes wished their love was more conventional.

Deep down in her heart, she was a little envious of Anna and Mary.

It was selfish to want more, Guinivere knew.

An Odum was limited in how they expressed their emotions and affections.

"It's genetics," according to the magicians of the Steine Tower Institute.

But again, that was beside the point.

Funnily enough, the only one who was even remotely expressive in the family was Nazareth, and he was like a wild beast the first few years Guinivere knew him.

Nazareth was inherently just as much of an ice block as the rest of their family, but with more violent tendencies and insanity to balance it out.

A nicer term would have been passionate, but Guinivere had sometimes caught the cold, calculative gaze beneath those mad, vermillion eyes when she watched her oldest brother play the hateful fool.

He had scared her a lot when she was younger.

Nazareth was like a raging fire, eating everything in its path.

It was the perfect contradiction to Aurelion's cold tundra blizzards.

Guinivere grew up watching from the sideline as her brothers tore each other apart.

If it doesn't end in death, she prayed it would end with peace.

Perhaps her many prayers were answered that day in early spring.

Nazareth woke up one morning and cut his hair.

Suddenly, the world came back to life.


One afternoon, Guinivere had finished her sword lesson with her tutor and was heading back to her room when she overheard a conversation between Nazareth and their father.

She had been walking past the studies and the door was slightly ajar.

Guinivere might not look like it, but she often liked to eavesdrop on conversations.

It was a rude habit, she knew, but her curiosity always got the better of her.

That was how she found out Professor Rickman and Professor Dogstar had hate sex in the third-floor laboratory when they were both students at the Academy.

What a way to break up.

"—the sanctuary... moved the plants..."

"—my permission... how are your studies...?"

"—fast... four months..."

What in the world were they talking about?

It was like Nazareth and their father were having two different conversations.

The door flew open.

"Guinivere Odum, this is an intervention. You need to quit this habit immediately. This is not how you gather accurate information."


"Father, brother," Guinivere greeted shamelessly and stared at them questioningly.

She heard her father sigh.

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