"You're bored, Nyssa. I bet I can beat you today." Alec challenged her with his charming, mischievous smile that could make most girls swoon.

"You think very highly of yourself, my friend. You only ever came close to beating me once." Nyssa playfully replied.

"You're bored, uninterested, and unfocused. That should give me a better chance, I'll take it. Or are you afraid that I will finally beat you?" Alec pressed on. He was always looking for opportunities to get one over Nyssa. Sometimes, just to keep her preoccupied and entertained.

"Afraid? Of you beating me? Not even in the slightest. Bring it." Nyssa accepted the challenge.

Ten arrows each and they were 5 arrows in. Nyssa matching Alec's shot per shot.

"Damn. Don't you even have an off day?" Alec whined a little and just got a smile from Nyssa as she let got of her next shot.

"Today is not the day you beat me, Alec. If there ever is a day." Nyssa teased.

"We're not done yet. I still have a chance." Alec full of determination let his last arrow fly.

"Please. I can beat you with my eyes closed." Nyssa then closed her eyes for the last shot and did get the target straight in the middle.

"How come you're so good at this? Here." Alec handed her ten dollars. "But dinner's on you, right?"

Nyssa just laughed at him and said, "Of course."

"That blonde girl's been watching us. You think she likes me?"

If it had been other guys, Nyssa would have been annoyed at the self-absorbed arrogance that that implied, but the playful confidence of Alec was just adorable. "Who? She must be desperate then."

"Ouch! That hurt. I do have feelings you know."

Nyssa turned around to where Alec was looking and she saw the blonde girl standing by the shade of a tree. "Sara." Nyssa gave her a small smile.

"You know her?"

As Nyssa was about to get back to Alec, she noticed one of the football players flinging a football toward Sara. She drew an arrow and shot at the ball hurtling toward Sara.


Sara was in so much shock at the sight of the girl aiming an arrow at her to move or even scream until the arrow was moving past her and had pierce the ball and struck the tree. She looked at where the arrow had struck and that's when her knees gave out and she just sat on the grass staring and her heart pounding.

Moments later, Nyssa and Alec were by her side with some of her teammates.

"Are you alright?" Nyssa asked her.

Sara looked at her with wide eyes. "You shot at me!"

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"You shot at me! You could've killed me! And you're asking me if I'm okay?" Sara shouted hysterically.

"I wasn't aiming at you." Nyssa calmly explained.

"What were you thinking? Were you trying to kill me?" Sara said as if not hearing what Nyssa said.

"Believe me, if she was trying to kill you, you'd be dead by now." Alec butted in.

"Alec!" Nyssa eyed him with warning. Alec raised his hands backing off and just took the arrow out of the tree.

"I'm sorry I frightened you. It wasn't my intention to." Nyssa said offering Sara a hand to help her up.

Sara eyed her carefully, but still took the Nyssa's hand. Sara really wanted to get mad and shout at her more but she couldn't think of any more to say, especially after the way she had apologized.

"Again, my apologies." Nyssa said finally before backing away. Alec just a few steps behind her, holding the arrow pierced through the football.

"Hey! That's my ball!" The footballer said stalking up to them. He grabbed Nyssa by the shoulder to make her turn to him.

Alec was about the jump at him but Nyssa stopped him.

"You popped my ball." The footballer complained.

Nyssa took the arrow pierced ball from Alec and handed it to the guy. She gave him a deadly look and said, "try something like that again, and I won't be shooting at the ball. I will break your arm. Believe me, I will."

The guy backed away. And Nyssa looked backed to Sara who was also looking at her. They stared back at each other's eyes enchantingly trying to figure out what the other is thinking or maybe for something to say. And it was Nyssa who broke the spell and walked away.


"What?!" Max exclaimed after Sara recounted to her what had happened at the field the day before.

"Shh! Tone down! People are staring."

It was Saturday. Since it was still a bit early, there weren't much people in the ice cream shop, but all those who were looked their way.

"Sorry! God, Sara. Who's this crazy chick? She could have killed you."

"I don't really know. I think I've had class with her before or something, though."

"What does she look like? We both know I pay more attention to people in our classes. Maybe I know her."

"Well, she's a bit taller than I am. Black hair, intense eyes, very nice cheek bones. She has that intimidating, yet elegant vibe..." Sara trailed off, remembering the way their eyes met after that incident. "And I think she's the captain of the archery team."

"Oh. I know who that is. We actually have chemistry with her this year."

Sara was staring at her, waiting. She stopped midway to taking another spoonful of ice cream to her mouth, and just put her spoon back in the cup.

"Her name's Nyssa." Max said finally.

Nyssa. Sara said the name over and over in her head, the name suited the bearer she thought. It was elegant and beautiful.

"Unfortunately, as much as I want to kick her ass for what she did to you. I can't."

"You can't? The badass Maxine Hastings, who won't take shit from anyone else, is scared of another girl?"

"Hey! I may be badass, but I don't have a death wish. I don't want her shooting arrows at me."

That got her a glare from Sara. "So, it's okay with you that she's shooting arrows at me?"

"She said she wasn't aiming for you, didn't she?"

Sara scoffed at that and just continued eating her ice cream.

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