"You bitch!" Grace growled. "You're going to pay for this."

"I kept an eye on that woman watching the girl grow up," Dolores smiled. "Until the woman died, and the father was left to raise four girls. You were always so, bossy giving orders. There were a few times when your powers slipped out, and I had to resealed, without you or anyone knowing. I did have a bit of energy but not like before."

"You're going to pay for what you did to us and everyone else," Grace is going to shred her.

"You can try, but you won't succeed," Dolores smiled. "You'll end up back in my control, just like Blaise."

Grace turned to Blaise, who looked shocked and took out his sword. "I'm sorry I can't control my body." He rushed Andre.

Andre looked at her and sneer, the lycan taking control. Once this is over, she is going to help him control his temper. That triggers the beast.

Andre met Blaise have way and bit his side and dragged him away. Blaise screamed and fought back. Once they were out of view, Grace turned back to Dolores, who sneaks up on her.

Grace managed to avoid contact. "That's an unfair move, attacking while I have my back turn."

"Don't ever turn your back on the enemy," she grinned and took out a staff. "You will come back to me, Grace, and together we'll take back what rightfully ours."

Grace is going to have to knock some sense into Dolores.


Bethy leaned against the tree; if she had, the strength would spank these kids. How can they be so stupid? Risking their lives.

"I want to spank you both," she coughed.

"Your mother," Lucy sat down. "We can't let leave you alone, Caius, and I wanted to spend time with you."

Cauis snuggles beside her. "I remember being in your belly, and you singing to me."

"You remember that far huh?" Bethy lifts her hand and stroke his hair. "Your father must be worried sick about you; you're going to have to apologize when you head back."

"I know," Caius smiled. "Why do you have to go?"

"Because," she winced. "I must pay for my mistakes, for the bad things I did to everyone, Lucy and you."

"I don't want you to go," Caius hugged her.

She winced. "Grace is already using her powers, Lucy I want you to take your brother, I don't wish for you two to see me on my final moments."

"No," he held on. "I want to be here."

"Hey, we need to move!" David walked over and knelt. "Dolores send some of her people. They must have followed the kids."

"Damn it," Bethy stood. She is going to have to endure the pain coursing through her body. "Lucy, take your brother and head east."

"But I can help," Lucy stood holding Cauis hand.

"I know," Bethy smiled. "But, your priority is to protect your brother and take him back home."

"We can't just leave you to fight them off," Lucy glared. "Your weak."

"Not too weak," she took, removed her necklace, and placed it around Lucy's neck. "The necklace has the book, you know what to do."

Lucy didn't seem to want to go, she sighed. "Okay, David, please protect my mother don't her die by Dolores men."

David nodded. "Don't worry, I'll protect her until her last breath."

Lucy sighed. "Caius, say goodbye to our mother."

Cauis hugged her. "Please, don't die."

"I'm sorry," Bethy smiled. "I wish I could've had done things differently. Cauis be a good boy, treat people with respect, and don't ever withered."

"Come on," Lucy picked Caius up.

"David will meet up with you to take the book," Bethy sighed. "He's going to make sure you follow my instructions."

"Don't you trust me?" She asked.

Bethy chuckled. "Of course I trust you, it's the book I don't trust, it can lure you in and force you to open it."

"Oh," Lucy sighed. "Okay, well, I wish you luck."

"Also, Lani, I know your there," Bethy smiled.

Lani stepped out from the shadows. " I didn't want to intrude."

"Go with Lucy," Bethy said.

Lani walked over to Lucy. "We should hurry, they are getting closer, and it seems they want your brother and us."

"Goodbye, mother," Lucy said.

Bethy watched them go, Cauis looked so unhappy.

"It's going to be alright," David said. "I promise I'm going to watch over them."

She nodded. "Let's get this over with." She only took a few steps before she felt an excruciating pain hit her. She bends over, holding her stomach. "Ah, oh, no."

"What's wrong?" David rushed to her side.

"Something is wrong," she coughed blood out. "I think Dolores is trying to take control of Grace; by doing so, the ancient power is reacting, it doesn't like being controlled."

"It?" David frowned. "Bethy, I'm starting to think the ancient magic is a person."

Bethy looked down. "Because it is a person, a very frightening man with a sew mouth and angry gold eyes. Ancient magic was placed inside one being, a man. And right now, he's furious."

David cursed. "What do we do now?"

"You'll need to fight off those men, I must finish this spell," she said.

David nodded and helped her down. "I'll fight, but you need to hurry, time is running out."

Bethy took out a small little stone. "It's time to end this."

She hopes Grace can handle the rest.


I'm so, so, so, sorry for the late update as you know a lot is going on in the world, and I just have been so out of it, my energy and inspiration left me. But I am back, getting inspired and full of positivity.

Anyways I'll be returning back to the regular updates, Mondays and Fridays.

Stay safe out there, wash your hands, wear a mask, protect yourself and those you love.

Stay Positive!!




Love SayaChan

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