Chapter 9: Enemy of my Enemy

Start from the beginning

The place isn’t very busy, and I don’t have to dodge many people while I search. The cells are in the back of the building, and only one is occupied. I stop in front of it and regard Mandeville through the bars. He’s sitting at a small table in his cell, reading a book. 

“Hello, Mandeville,” I say.

He glances up, looks back down, and does a double-take. “What the hell…” he trails off, gaping at me. 

“You just can’t stay out of trouble, can you?” I ask.

He squints at me, cocking his head. “Brandon?” he asks, out of sheer disbelief.

I give a small bow and he throws his head back and howls in laughter. “What on earth are you wearing?” 

“We can compare fashion notes later,” I tell him. “I’m going to get you out of here, but as soon as I pop this cell door open an alarm will go off. Actually, there’s going to be a lot of alarms all over the place here in a minute, so get ready to go.”

He stands up his mirth turning into a scowl. “You shouldn’t be here, it’s way too dangerous. They’re not getting any information out of me.”

“We’re not having a debate,” I tell him. A klaxon sounds outside, its howl carrying through the walls. 

Mandeville glances towards a window. “What have you done?”

“What I do best: making friends. Stand back.”

He steps back and I grab the bars and tear open the door. As I expected another alarm sounds, this one inside the building. 

“No, wait!” Mandeville says, but I’m done waiting. I pick him up in one arm and speed back out the way I came. We race past guards springing into action and heading past us towards the cells. I kick open the front doors and race out into the twilight. I have no idea where I’m headed from here, so I find some cover behind another boring looking building to get my bearings.

As I pull to a stop, Mandeville wheezes, catching his breath. I set him down. “Fun, isn’t it?” I ask him. “Don’t try anything stupid. We can do this with you unconscious just as easily.”

He leans against the wall. “Incredible. It’s one thing to see you move that fast, it’s something else entirely to be doing it myself.”

“Guys, what’s the best way out of here?” I ask into my radio.

“We’re working on that,” Susan replies in my ear. “There’s not much nearby, which is why they put the base out there in the first place. There’s a tiny city called Rachel to the northeast, and I mean tiny. Lots of mountain ranges. The nearest big city is Las Vegas, but that’s a ways away.”

Mandeville is examining my suit up and down, nodding approvingly. “That’s a nice carbon mesh you have there. Looks good, too, I have to admit. I bet you gave EDI a heart attack when they saw it.”

“They haven’t seen it yet. You’re lucky to be here for the unveiling. But why will they care?”

The klaxon continues to wail, and I peek out to see what’s going on. Bright lights are flickering on all over the base, so we’re not going to have much darkness for cover.

“It means you have help. Smart help. People with connections and resources. And now that you have a uniform it means you stand for something, just like their uniform does. You’re choosing a side.”

“I’m not choosing a side; I’m doing my own thing,” I tell him. Air Force security personnel are heading towards the jail from every direction. We need to get out of here.

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