Chapter 12: Squaring Off

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Recap: In the Bellagio casino Brandon was confronted by Donovan, a fast, strong, augmented man who tried to place Brandon under arrest. Donovan was then attacked by three identical looking men who could shoot lightning from their hands. One of the men injured some guards, while the other two seemed about to kill Donovan. Brandon had a chance to escape and find Ryan, or stay and try to save the life of the man who was just trying to arrest him. 

Winning Choice: “Donovan may have been trying to arrest me, but that doesn’t mean I can walk away and let them kill him in cold blood. Whoever these new guys are, I need to stop them from murdering a man.”

I can’t let this happen.

Two of the identical looking men are still shooting lightning into Donovan, while the third looks ready to thrash any more security guards who get close.

“Stop,” I yell. I don’t know what that blast could do to my nanobots, but I can’t let them keep going. They stop. 

Donovan stops thrashing and slumps to the floor, unconscious. The horrific smell of burnt flesh is rank in the air, cutting through even the heavy cigarette smoke. My stomach heaves.

The two men who were burning him turn to face me, their hands raised as if I’m next. It would be nice for a change if I ran into someone who didn’t want to fight me. So far it’s only been my trio of cohorts on the train, and the strange super-powered acrobat who helped me fight the giants the first time. Maybe it’s my breath.

“You can’t kill him,” I explain, bracing myself.

One of them steps towards me, but the first man says something in a language I don’t understand and the man stops.

The first man points at Donovan. “That man is a government agent. They have been hunting us like they have been hunting you. We would stop him from doing that.”

“Not this way,” I tell him. I’m surprised Mandeville hasn’t chimed in, but then I realize he is gone. That part doesn’t surprise me, as Mandeville is exceptionally good at running away when the opportunity presents itself. 

“That is our concern, Mr. Stamp.” There goes any question these guys may not know who I am. “I need you to come with us,” he adds.

“Not going to happen,” I tell him, backing up another step. “Especially now that I’ve seen how you operate. At least Donovan and his friends don’t seem to run around killing people.” I raise my hands in the air like I’m surrendering, but really just want to reach up by my head without spooking the triplets. 

“We are Samsara. We do not wish to kill you. We wish to protect you. And there is someone who needs to meet you,” he says. I freeze.

“And who might that be?” I ask, not entirely sure if I want them to give the answer I’m half hoping for. 

“I cannot give you his name here, but he played a major role in the work that made you who you have become.”

I let out my breath in a sigh, surprised I was holding it, and continue reaching behind my head. “I’m afraid the only person I’d change plans to meet right now is a very particular woman, and the only person who has made me what I’ve become is myself.” I grab my mask from inside the back of my shirt and pull it down over my face. 

“Good day you, gents,” I tell them and shift into high gear.

The world slows down, but the triplets are moving faster than regular people. They’re clearly augmented somehow, as if being creepily identical and shooting lightning out of their hands weren’t enough clues. I’m still moving more than twice as fast as they are, but I’d better hustle out of here before they start shooting sparkles again. I dodge around the triplet closest to me, scoop up Donovan’s unconscious form, and make for the front of the casino. 

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