Where is he

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It was Friday and for the boys, it was payday, They prepared their bags for school as usual and also put in a small box to put their money in. All of them were excited, this is it- but it's trying to keep it a secret from their parents that would be difficult. Seeming as Kendall had the money in his backpack, he took that as a chance to take out his and put it in his secret money box, leaving the rest of the money for the other three boys. Levy walked to the bus stop and sat down, Kendall arriving shortly afterwards. "Hey Levy!" He greeted, excitement obvious in his voice. Sharing the same excitement, the red-haired boy said hello to his friend. "Where are Derick and Sam?" Kendall dismissed this friend's question, "they're probably running late or something," and he was right- about Sam. Derick, on the other hand, didn't show up at all.

If he was sick or something, he would usually say he wouldn't come but not today. The three of them got on the bus, chatting amongst themselves and wondering where the hell their other friend was. "Sam, have you seen Derick today?" Shaking his head, the black-haired boy answered the question, "I haven't... But guys, let's wait a little bit before we start to worry and stress ourselves out.

Keep our suspicions- but worry later when there's no sign of him." They nodded in agreement and changed the topic- getting their money. "So, Kendall, how are we gonna collect the money?" Levy whispered, looking around to make sure no one else was listening. "After school, we'll go to my place together and collect it," he answered bluntly. The boy looked lost and anxious, zoning out on multiple occasions while the other two friends kept talking about random things. "I hope he hasn't done anything stupid..." he muttered to himself.

When the boys arrived at the school building, there was still no sign of Derick- and that was quite unusual. During registration, he didn't randomly walk in and apologise for being late. He didn't even come in to school at all!

"Where is he?" Sam asked, not to anyone in particular. The three of them were sitting in the cafeteria eating their lunch and trying to work out where their friend could be. The other two boys didn't know how to respond except, "I don't know!" and shrug their shoulders. Once again, the subject was changed back to the money Sam and Levy were supposed to collect that day and it was then Kendall's eyes widened. "Limbo...Limbo...he's probably in Limbo" he muttered to himself.

To his two friends, it just sounded like incoherent mumbling under his breath. "Huh? What are you trying to say Kendall?" Levy responded, "All I heard was gibberish if I'm being honest. But I mainly heard Kendall say, "limlom " or something like that." At first Sam looked really confused. "Limlom? Really? What the hell is that?" Once he realised what he said to the red-haired boy, his eyes widened, making a dramatic face. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! That's what you mean! Silly us!" Sam laughed strangely, scratching the back of his neck. He widened his eyes and nodded at Levy but he still did not get what he was trying to say.

"What?" Sam rested his palm on his forehead in annoyance. "Limbo!" he whispered loudly into the red-haired boy's ear. "Oh," was his response. "So, how are we gonna meet up with him without his parents getting suspicious?" Sam sat there, thinking about it for a few minutes before Kendall finally spoke again, "You could just not tell them? We can just grab our bikes and head off to Limbo. But we can't all meet up at one of our houses. Just say we left our bikes at home and wanted to ride them- also Derick has a skateboard he sometimes takes so he probably took it with him to get to Limbo in the first place. We have to go home, get the bikes and meet in the park- just so we don't lose each other- before setting off."

The boy smiled after explaining his plan and both of his friends nodded but still looked at him dissatisfied. "What?" Kendall asked raising an eyebrow questioningly. "Aren't we supposed to collect our money today...?" Sam's statement had turned into a question. "YES!" his friend snapped, "Also, what is with your obsession about the money. It's not like I'm gonna steal it, am I?" The boys whimpered and decided to keep quiet for the rest of the journey as their friend, who had just had a go at them, was calming down. Once the bus had reached their bus stop, they got off and walked together to the park in complete silence before parting ways to go to their own houses.

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