burning rubber

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I found some film from last year
A night in North Haven 
cars doing burnouts 
the thick smell of rubber and smoke engulfing me

Maybe I don't miss getting home at 3am
but I miss the empty highways 
I miss the ride out
the feeling leaving the parking lot
police lights in the distance, sirens

flooding the entrance ramps of I-95

The feeling of flying 
being young and dumb on an open empty road 
leaning out the passenger window and listening to the engine,
laughing at my friends in passing.

The world of underground car meets, racing, dragging is no longer part of my life. 
But sometimes I watch the videos and I wish
I really really wish
I had one more opportunity to experience it

Living slowly is so comfortable
But it's so far from the life that shaped me 

and I miss the ecstasy 

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