Chapter 2

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"We should spread out, don't talk to anyone" said John and
"Si, Papa" Cassie said in Spanish
"Eso es mi niña" said John and they separated, John went toward the crowd and Cassie stayed to the side, which made her the unsuspected Hitwoman. Then she spotted her target, Paulo Cancún, the city of Cancún was named after his father, The Mafia Boss that had been making deals with American Businesses, Cassie has been hired by Glen and Company and she was sure that the rest of the people here to kill Paulo were hired like business similar to Glen and Co, but because her father was on the first floor, he would be caught in the cross fire and there were no comms for her to communicate with John, so her plan to walk down and tell him would probably fail but at least she was trying to do something
"Papa, Paulo is here" said Cassie
"Now" John said surprised
"Si" said Cassie and they started walking away
"Something will set everyone in the off and the fight will start" said John 
"Luckily we have a new addition to our team" said Cassie
"Who?" asked John
"Relax, I've known her since I was in high school" said Cassie 
"You've known a lot of people from high school" said John
"Copper" said Cassie
"Isn't she a sniper" said John
"She is also on the roof of that building over there" said Cassie
"Now we just need to get these guys to go crazy" said John
"I have a plan to get them started but you need to go down there" said Cassie
"Alright" said John

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