•~Chapter 12~•

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"Oh Tom we should totally surf together, the lava is looking pretty hot today!" Lilith exclaimed.

"Totally dude! Come on (Y/n)- Oh sorry, would you mind waiting here for a bit since you're not exactly able to swim in the lava." Tom said grabbing a board.

"Uh yeah it's cool, go have fun Tommy" I smiled. I didn't really want to sit here alone but, I couldn't exactly tell him no.

The two of the ran down to the lava together. They lowkey looked like a couple which kind of hurt me. I still couldn't believe how mean Lilith was. I guess people aren't always how they seem.

Watching them surf together made me feel even worse, they looked like they were having so much fun together. They really seemed to get along but Tom obviously didn't know what she was really like. I don't know if I should tell him or not. I'd feel bad if it ruins their friendship but I don't like the fact that she's being fake with him. I think I will tell him...just not yet.

I thought at first I was being overly jealous but after what Lilith said I realised it was rightly so, she's actually trying to take Tom from me. They were out surfing for so long but they eventually started to walk back towards me.

"Hey (Y/n), sorry that we took so long. It was just so much fun, we're gonna get food, you coming?" Tom asked.

"Yeah sure, i'm actually quite hungry now." I said standing up and brushed the sand off my legs.

We started to walk to a place Tom said we could get some good food. We were walking in a line but Lilith was in between Tom and I. She was talking to him the whole time we were walking. She was turned towards him and wasn't talking to me at all so I couldn't get a word in at all. I found myself just zoning out and getting lost in my thoughts.

"(Y/n)?" I was snapped back to reality by Tom.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Are you alright? You're being really quiet." He said looking past Lilith at me.

"Yeah yeah sorry, I was just daydreaming." I said smiling.

"About me, I hope" he winked.

I just laughed at him but Lilith didn't seem very impressed by his little joke. She gave me a quick dirty look then turned back and continued talking to Tom. Wow she really is a bitch. The restaurant we were going to wasn't actually that far it only took us about 10 minutes to walk there.

We arrived and sat inside at a booth. Lilith sat beside Tom before I could get there so I just sat across from them. It was really starting to get to me. I was also feeling uncomfortable because whenever I come to the underworld there's always demons that stare at me like I have two heads. I'm already insecure enough, this doesn't really help.

"Yo I'll go order for us!" Lilith said standing up.

"Cool" Tom said and I nodded in agreement.

I know that a while ago I wasn't sure if I would tell Tom about Lilith but if I don't tell him soon she is definitely going to come between us. When Lilith left the booth and hopefully couldn't hear us anymore, I said,

"Tom i've to tell you something." I sighed.

"Sure what is it Cupcake?" He put his hand on top of mine.

"Well...Lilith isn't who you think she is" I sighed.

"What are you talking about?" He looked really confused.

"When you were on the phone to your Dad she was really mean to me, and she's always shooting me dirty looks and trying to take you from me. She acts nice around you but she actually just acts like a bit of a bitch." I said looking at Tom.

He looked shocked, but then he pulled his hand away from mine. "Seriously (Y/n)? Ha real mature. Listen i'm nothing but supportive and respectful of you and I really do try my best but this time? making up things about my best friend because what, you're jealous?" He seemed borderline angry.

"Well obviously i'm jealous but i'm not lyin-" Tom interrupted me,

"Maybe you should go home and figure out whatever it is that's going on with you" He said sitting back and crossing his arms. He took a deep breath so he was calmer.

"But Tommy i'm telling the truth!" I said leaning towards him.

"(Y/n) please just go..."

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes but I held them back. I stood up, grabbed my things took in a sharp breath and started walking towards the door. As I walked past Lilith I could hear her snickering. She must have been listening. I practically ran the the rest of the way out of the restaurant. I don't know why he doesn't believe me.

I called Star so she could bring me home, because once again i'm stuck in the underworld with no way home. Star brought me home and I explained everything to her and Marco. They tried to make me feel better. Marco advised that maybe I should just give Tome some time. Star had joked that she would kick Lilith's butt for me if I wanted. They did make me feel a little better.

Demon boy • Tom Lucitor x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum