Part nine: Escape

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I jump out of the bed and rush out of the room, only to see that the floor was gone. I was about to brace myself, but i never fell. I just stood there, arms crossed and eyes shut, looking like an idiot.
"Annabeth, are you okay?" My mother asks, walking, no, floating towards me.
"Where is Jason?" I ask, nearly yell.
Athena puts her hand on my shoulder. "Wherever he is, you can't see him now. Not in that condition"
"What do you mean, 'Wherever he is'?"
Athena sighs. "We'll talk inside." She pushes me to the room. On the right side, there is a sign that says 'Recovery room #1954'.
Athena sits down on the side of the bed, but i stay standing, ready to bolt at any second.
"Jason carried you here.. about 5 days ago-" My mother starts.
"I don't care! I just want to know where he is!" I interrupt. 
Athena hesitates. "W-we don't know exactly. After Zeus gave you immortal powers and stripped away Jasons, Jason just.. disappeared. Chiron said that he hasn't shown up at Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter yet. He said that he sent out a search party, but the also came back with nothing."
I don't say nor do anything for a long while. My misery is too much to bare. I want to throw myself onto the bed, weep, and stay there forever, or at least until Jason comes back. My mother just looks at me sympathetically. Then, she looks down. I regain my senses. If I ever have a chance to run, now would be the time. I run out of the room, as fast as I can, not looking back. I eventually realise that I have been running in the same spot for a while, looking like an idiot.. again. I look back, and my mother is glaring at me, arms crossed.
"I-I Just-" I stutter
"There is no need for apologies, I understand wht you're going through". She floats up to me. "But, we can't let you leave. You need to recover. You body needs to adapt to being immortal."
I scowl. I don't need to recover, I feel perfectly fine. What I need to do, is find Jason. But I know that no amount of pleading will convince them to let me go. I sigh, and let her drag me back into the room. I get Into the bed,  pull the covers over myself, and try not to make eye contact with my mom. She leaves, but comes back a few minutes later.
"Annabeth, we are adding some... security to your room." She pauses. "I just want to let you know so that you don't get scared."
Great. Now i'll never find him. I dig my face into the pillows, ignoring my mom, and eventually drift off into a hapoy dream.
I was floating on a cloud, having a picnic with Jason as the wind blew my hair into my face. As unusual as this was, It's still nice to be with him, alone. The picnic had plenty of delicious foods: Purple grapes, about 5 different types of cheese, sliced bread, a strawberry cake, some blueberry muffins, and a cooler filled with bottles of water and lemonade. All the food resets on a light blue colored blanket dotted with lightning bolts in all sizes. He talks to me about his life before Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood. I'm about to grab a muffin when i fall through the clouds. I keep falling until i wake up, which wasn't long. I sit up, still dizzy from my dream. Thats when the memories of earlier came back to me. I look around my room, expecting some iron bars ove rthe doors and windows, but it all looks the same. Nothing has really changed. I hop out of bed, hoping that, maybe they haven't added the 'security' to my room yet. I touch the doorknob, and immediately get electrocuted.
Since I am immortal, this doesn't kill me, but it hurts like Hades. I pull back, anger rushing through me. I touch the door, and nothing happens. I smirk. With my new godly strength, I pick up a small table-a nightstand, really- and throw it at the door. It bounces back and hits me in the face. I fall to the ground.
"Dam! Stupid force field." I get back up, groaning. How am I supposed to get out of here?
Thats when the same woman from earlier comes in. I wish Piper was here, her Charmspeak would've been useful. No, wait. I don't want her here! She's part of the reason all this happened.
"Ma'am, are you okay?"
I gaze up on her, putting on the most hurt look I can pull of. Hopefully, I can distract her enough to make her keep the door open. "I.. i miss him, you know?" I hop onto the bed and gesture for the woman to do the same. "I really do"
she looks at me with a sad look. I have to get her to warm up to me.
"Did you ever love someone?" I ask.
She flinched. "Why, yes, I did." She smiled.
I look at her, wanting to know more.
"Well, a long time ago, oh, about 70 years ago, when I was still quite young, I met this god who was slightly older than me." She talks about her love with passion, I would actually like to listen, but I have to focus. She eventually lays down on the bed and stares at the pillows. She seems.. distracted.
I quietly  jump off the bed and back away. She is still talking. I run out the door, this time, i try to fly. I jump aim my head downwards and start falling.
Just like in my dream.   

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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