Just tell me about yourself. If  you want
to just vent, go for it I'm all ears. Well, eyes.
But really whatever you want to tell me. I
want to know everything.

"My mind is going crazy right now bro! She still hasn't responded." Tristan say to Dayne and Bryan as he paces the floor.
"Dude! Chill out!" Bryan yells.
"For real you're making me dizzy!" Dayne says laughing.
He sits on the bed and puts his elbows on his knees.
"She's just so amazing. She's so beautiful, I can tell when she opens up we're going to vibe so hard!" Tristan says lifting his head from his hands.
"Bro you got it bad!" Tyler yells as he walks into the room.
"For real, who is this girl?" Chris asks walking in right behind him.
"Some girl-" Tristan cuts Bryan off before he can finish the sentence.
"She's not just some girl dude! I really do think.." Tristan stops as his phone goes off.
"Ahh!" He yells.
"Dude what?!" Dayne says jumping off the bed.
"It's her, what if I made her mad?" Tristan says.
"BRO! Don't do that! I thought there was a spider or something!" Dayne says sitting back on the bed.
"Well, what'd she say?" Tyler asks.
"Don't worry about it." Tristan says rolling his eyes.
"Hey Tristan! So, I was checking out-" Heidi stops talking when she walks in and sees the other boys on the bed.
"She knows but we don't?!" Bryan says with a jealous tone.
"Oo, that's cold dawg." Dayne says getting up and leaving the room.
The other boys follow Dayne.
"Anyways, so I was looking at (your name)'s insta, and kid, she is gorgeous!" Heidi says.
"I know..." Tristan says distracted with reading the message from (your name).
"I'm just gonna go." Heidi says.
"Mhmm" Tristan says still reading his phone.

You told him everything. The sports you used to play, how since junior high you've always been the bigger girl and even your friend would make fun of you for it. Yes even in front of you. How you always got the "you'd be perfect if you'd loose some weight" comments. How the jocks at school would take turns pretending to like you just to see how far they could take it. How one of them actually had a bet going that he could take your virginity on prom night and if he did the rest of them had to buy him a system for his truck. How even your own friends were in on the bet and never did anything to stop it. How the comments after prom drove you to self harm because you didn't understand how loosing your virginity made you a whore. How you fell in love with your best friend but he left you behind for somebody else. And how even to this day people comment on the appearance of your body after you turn them down or don't give them what they want.

I- I really don't know what to say. That
is awful. But I completely understand
why you're so guarded now. I know me
saying sorry isn't going to change anything
you've been through. But I am really sorry
you've gone through so much shit in
your life that you don't think anybody
could ever like or love you the way you are.
I wish I could take it all away and change
the hateful words to nice ones, I
really do, nobody deserves any of that.
But especially not somebody as gorgeous
as you. You are beautiful inside and
out. And I want to be the one who
shows you that again. You are
better than the words said to you
babygirl. Never forget that. Please.💛

You are seriously so genuine Tristan. I
mean that. What you just said to me honestly
brought me to tears. I really do believe you
could make me happy. But I'm damaged goods.
I really don't want to burden you with that. You
deserve someone... Better.

I don't want better. I want you.
And I mean that whole heartedly.
Let me at least try to be the guy
you need. Let me show you how beautiful
you are inside and out. Let me make
you see your worth again, and if in
the end you think I'm not good
enough for you, at least I can say
that I gave my all and I tried, and
I helped you love yourself again.

I just really can't get hurt again right now.

I'm not out to break your heart. I want to
mend it, make it whole, and let it love me
for now ever long it wants to, even if it's until
it stops beating. Just please take a chance
on me.

You are seriously the sweetest! You put
the biggest smile on my face. Thank you. 🥰
But I can't promise it's going to be a smooth ride.

That's fine. I like curves and bumps. 😉
No seriously, I'm all in if you let me be.

Let me think about it. You may have to convince me. 😉

Say less babygirl. 😍

Oh, we're onto pet names already? 😂

I mean, no. But I'm gonna use them
anyways because I know you like
it, and you will be my babygirl eventually. 😉😘

Please don't break my heart. 😕

I wouldn't dream of it.
But we're getting ready to go live.
Are you going to be there tonight? 😬

I planned on it, but I might fall asleep. 😴

That's fine. You need sleep!
I'll see you in the live beautiful. 💛

Okay! 🥰

It's 1:00 which means Tristan is going live. So you plug your phone it, get comfy in bed and turn on his live. When you pop in you see him smile, and he says hi. You notice he's different tonight. He has a different look in his eyes. They remind you of the ocean on a bright sunny day. They're beautiful any day, but today they're breathtaking. They're brighter, wider, happier. You like seeing him this way. And you like the way he makes you feel.

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