The Discovery

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The nations of the world stared at the center of the meeting room in shock and utter disbelief. Their mouths agape and eyes wide open as their attention swiftly turned away from Iceland, who was explaining his scientists solutions on the climate crisis, to another person who now stood in the center of the room, unmoving and just as shocked as the others were.

The unexpected visitor stood in front of a large, white, star-shaped portal, eyes wide and a look of horror clearly present on their face as they stared at the nations gawking at them.

'Oh, sh*t




This was only one of the many curse words that America was screaming in her head right now.

But she wasn't the one that the other nations were gawking at...

It was, in fact, one of her states...

Arizona to be exact...

Let's slow down a bit...

The nations were immersed in yet another boring-as-hell-world meeting, with about half of the nations listening and/or taking notes while the other half looked about half dead and ready to fly home as soon as they were dismissed from the meeting. This wasn't quite normal for world meetings, since half the time the nations seemed to mostly fight about one thing or another, so today seemed like the perfect day to actually get sh*t done for once!

Boy was literally everyone wrong!

The productivity that the nations thought that they finally had a grasp on went as quickly as it came as soon as a certain Southwestern state had decided that this was the perfect day to mistake his beloved Phoenix for the meeting room.

Which was being held in Tuscon...

About 113 miles South of his intended destination...


At first, Arizona didn't even seem to notice that he had just walked into one of his mothers very important meetings that he was not to go to because of the fact that it would expose America's biggest secret to the entire world.

She is the mother of 51 children (Washington D.C. included)

Yes, you read that right, 51 kids in total!

And this was something that she did not, under any circumstance, want anyone to know about.

But fate really has a way of fuc*ing you over, doesn't it?

Let's get back to the present...

While the nations gawked at Arizona and Arizona gawked right back at them (in horror if I might add) America turned white as a sheet as her eyes turned a darker shade of gray to further display her outright fear for both herself and her child. Her stripes looking at least a few shades duller than they usually did.

In other words, this was not gonna end well...

Arizona was at a loss for words at this point. He had just finished exploring the Grand Canyon (for the millionth time in a row), and had wanted to go back to his home in Phoenix to relax for the rest of the afternoon. However, instead of being greeted by his living room, the young state had just accidentally waltzed into the room where the world meeting was being held.

He was soooo dead.

The young state had wished right then and there that he had some sort of memory wiping device and a smokescreen so he could vanish without a trace like the heroes in DC. Sadly, he had no such gadgets that could save his ass at this moment.

Curse the government for not incorporating that into the military budget.

It took a while (a long while), but eventually Britain finally came out of his shock long enough to speak.

"Um...America....isn't this one of your states...?" The elder nation asked, his voice growing more agitated by the word.

"Yes, Amerique, his flag looks very much like the flag for this state." France added.

"Ja, if I am remembering correctly, he must be Arizona." Germany concluded.

America sank more into her seat, to the point where only the top of her head was visible above the table, never wanting to die more in her life. Arizona felt much the same, and silently wished that this was all a dream.


Hi guys! So, this is the 1st chapter of Discovery! I originally made this on my CH one-shots and I realized that I could make this more than a one-shot. I've decided to make another book just for this prompt.

This is the very first book that I've done that doesn't involve one shots. If you read this chapter (as well as chapter 2) in my CH one shots, here they are again! I'm gonna remove the 1st 2 chapters from the other book because the other Ch book is for one-shots only.

As for those reading my Tim Drake x Reader one-shots, I will update that soon too. I just need to get my shit together lol.

Anyway, enjoy the story! for now enjoy the 1st couple of chapters!

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