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My cheeks were tight and i was losing sensation on my face. My nose had already gotten red. I tighten my coat, trying not allow any cold air to get in.

It was past 11 and I was almost home. The whole day had been gloomy and freezing. I felt unease and anxious. Walking home this late wasn't safe especially with everything going on. At last I could almost see the house, it gave me some hope. I still couldn't get the news report out of my mind. I remember reading the headlines.
They described the pile of bodies found last night floating around the red river lived.

The authorities weren't surprised as multiples bodies had ended up there previously....
I still don't know how I managed to stay here. This town is so strange but something is keeping me here. I honestly can't begin to comprehend what it is.

It bothers me but to know what this inexplicable magnetism is.

The names, the rivers, the streets and just about everything else is named strangely here.

I'm broke out of my trance by the sound of footsteps behind me. I wanted to keep walking but i had to make sure .. I slowly turned  around and saw nothing...

I kept checking just in case. Looking around it seemed like I was the only one.  After looking around for a good minute i thought maybe I started walking faster. Whilst I turned around I hit something hard. The smell of cologne hit my nostrils and my eyes noticed the black jacket.
Just as I was about to apology the moment I saw his eyes I started to feel dizzy. They were so mesmerizing. So hypnotizing..

Those blue- green eyes were fading away , until everything went dark.


When I opened my eyes I saw someone standing in the corner of my room. He was holding a glass , it looked like he was drinking red wine. His ring was golden and it was shinny... I tried to look at his face but I couldn't see it.

"Your blood is the best I've ever had" he said.
I couldn't believe what he said.

I must be hallucinating all of this. Blood, he said?

I must be.

"I drink blood love" it's like he read my mind.
Who was he?.

I sat up, and closed my eyes maybe it was just a dream.
When I open my eyes he was right In front of me.

I couldn't stop looking at them...

I was paralyzed , I couldn't move a single muscle.

I saw his smirk for a quick second. To quick to see what he looked like. Then I felt something warm on my neck, it was his lips. He moved up from my neck to my cheek , then he kissed my lips. For some reason I couldn't stop him. He kept kissing me Until I closed my eyes.


It's was like I was coming back from the dead. My body shot up , I scanned my room for any signs of those blue eyes, but my vision was still adjusting. Things were still a little foggy. My pillow was soaking wet from the sweat.

My hair was wet , it looked like I just had showered.

I managed to walk to my bathroom, my legs wiggled , my head was killing me , and I had no idea how I got home.

I open the faucet, the tub was slowly filling up. The bubbles were now appearing. I could smell jasmines. Once it was full I closed the faucet and got in, letting the warm water wash away all the sweat.

It calmed me down. I closed my eyes and rested.

I was peaceful, until I felt a hot warm breath on my neck. I wanted to open my eyes , but for some reason I didn't want to know what or who was doing that. I was too scared.

The moment I felt a pair of lips. That's when I ironed my eyes quickly.

There was nobody there.
What is happening?

I was standing in front of the mirror when I saw a pink bruise on my neck. I had no idea how I got it. It looked like a hickey.

What the hell.


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