Darkside of a star

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A/N: this is an original idea that will most likely not be continued. 😊


I was shoved towards the van,

"Get in, brat." I nodded, I had no idea who they were, but they had guns, and I had . . . the threat of calling my dad, OH, and a knife. I tried it, (threatening to call my dad) when they first showed up, and that earned me a slap across my face. My name is Brooklynne Newkirk, my dad is Anthony Newkirk, the most powerful man in Denver. And these men wanted me because of that, and some other reasons, but we'll get to that later. I started to sit on one of the seats, but the man in charge, Ferrio (I think), said,

"Oh, no. You brat. In the back. OH, and we can't have you see where we're taking you, so be prepared to be knocked out." Shoot. I thought, I was going to send a text to Grayson, He could've bailed me out! Grayson was my "protector", basically, my dad was SUPER worried after mom got kidnapped, and eventually killed, by the same guys no less, he got me what I perceived as a babysitter. He's more than that now, he's my best friend. With your dad as a multi-millionaire in Denver, making friends can be kinda hard, not to mention my dad having background checks on them and their parents. A rough cloth was shoved into my mouth, and tied, rather forcefully, around my head. They clubbed me over the head. I was out. (ish)

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Brookelynne, I'm coming for you . . . I'll kill you . . . Just like I did your mother . . . Remember last time we fought? You didn't w- When I woke up, there was a sharp pain in my head, and someone was shaking me gently, whispering,

"Brooke, hey, Brooks. Brooklynne. C'mon Brooks, say something." I looked into Grayson's blue-almost-black eyes. He ripped out the cloth from my mouth,

"You're a jerk for letting me walk home." He rolled his eyes,

"I know Brooke, but we need to leave. Now." I did a quick once-over, nothing was broken, as far as I could tell.

"Fine, but someone was talking to me in my dream." He looked at me.

"Do you think it was..." He trailed off.

"Yes, I absolutely do. She knows. And I'm going to meet the same fate, if not worse, as my mom if we don't get out of here, now." He grabbed my uniform jacket off the floor of the van, I hadn't realized that he had changed out of our uniform. He was now in jeans, a gray shirt and a black jacket. Boys were required to wear a white dress shirt, khakis, black dress shoes, and the school uniform jacket. Girls had to wear a black leather skirt, a dark-blue shirt (I hate that part) or a white dress shirt, today I was in the dark-blue because I forgot to wash the other one, character shoes (don't ask me why, we just do) and the school's jacket as well. Something crashed behind us as we ran,

"Gray, something's watching us." We froze, his knife fwipped out.

"Stay back." I saw Cassy emerge from the shadows, (she's not magical, just creepy)

"Well Brooklynne, we meet at last. Or should I say, again?" her smile widened, Grayson looked at me, my grip on his black jacket tightened,

"Gray, I faced her before," I whispered,

"and I lost, badly, that was the whole reason you were hired, to make sure I didn't die if she came after me again," my voice quieted,

"She killed my mom." He shook his head,

"I'm not letting you fight Brooke." I just pushed his hand aside,

"What the hell do you want with me, Cassy?" I hissed from between clenched teeth, she just glared. My knife found it's way out of my jacket's pocket, Grayson's eyes widened, mercifully, he didn't say anything. She batted her overly-long eyelashes, that hid bright purple eyes, "

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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