chapter ii

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Sparks are all you see when mine and Damians katana meet we have been sparing for at least five hours know and not one Of us are going to give up that easy we have been going at it. It has been like this for years now we are both only 11 but we can take at least ten guys at once and come out on top. Damian loss his katana and then he kicked mine out of my hand so we went to hand to hand combat we were both trained in many forms of marital arts we are also as smart as collage students and probably could have been smarter if Talia did not kill him. I lay a nice punch to Damians gut while he was distracted I swept his feet and he landed on his butt. Talia said that that was enough for today you offered your hand out to Damian he looked at it for a second and then took it I helped him up and he glared at me like usual Talia told us that we did good and one day that Damian would lead with me by his side we would be unstoppable. You sighed it was the same thing you had heard the past couple of years of my life. After she dismissed us I went back to my room to change while Damian went to his we did the same thing everyday wake up train eat train some more and then go and talk with each other until dinner was ready I would eat with his family. The thing about Damian is that he is so loyal to his grandfather and to keep his league going he would do anything. Sometimes I wish I had never come out of my shadows. I have also learned how to control them and use it as a weapon against my enemy's. I changed into a black long sleeve shirt and black leggings with black flats I put my chocolate brown hair up in tie and grabbed my katana it was different from Damians his had a black grip while mine has a blue and green grip and the blade has a shadow design in it I have always loved it because it was the first thing Damian ever gave me. Ok I may like him a little bit but not much.

When I was going to go see Damian Talia stoped me. She told me that one of her spy got Intel that slade Wilson was coming to attack the league sometime soon and so Damian was going to go live with his father and I was to stay here and help the league. She said. You are going to put your katana in my room tonight and go shadow hide where we first hid you I will have to tell Damian that you died during battle against slade, so Damian won't try and find you because you are very important to him I need him to learn from his father about the loss of a love one. You try to hid your blush from Talia but you know that she saw it.

You can not tell him this and we also got more information from the spy. Your brother is alive. She said like it ment nothing to me if I knew if he was alive or not.

All these years of Waring and hoping that he was alive and to be told he was it makes me feel things I haven't felt in years happiness, yes I felt happy with Damian but it was not the same. Knowing that I knew one day I would see Gar again it has been 9 years since I last saw him. I wonder what he is like? I have a good feeling about what is going to happen next like I finally have part of me back. I hope he still loves superheroes and is doing something good where ever he is. He would be 12 right, yes. I hope he has found a good family.

I was thinking this whole I was on my way to see Damian. I was so focused on Gar that I did not see where I was going and I ran straight into Damian knocking both of us over. It was super embarrassing I was on top of him my arms by his head and his legs were rapped around mine. I thought I saw him blushing but their is no way he likes me he just thinks of me as a friend, right? Also he never shows any emotions.

I was trying to get off of him but I slipped and we hit heads. We finally able to get up I was so scared what would happen so I said sorry to many times for me to count. He didn't say anything he just glared at me. I swear if looks could kill I would be dead 20 times a day. He could tell something had happened because I was never late. I told him that one of Talia spys  found out that my brother is still alive. I said it with the biggest smile ever. I know what you are thinking we'll is that wrong well yes but it is kinda true.

We talked until it was time to eat. We are in silence we never talked while we ate it was sad because I remember the way we would always laugh at some joke Gar made, and talk about are day I missed that the most. But I could not complain I had food and a place to sleep and friend. After dinner that night I did what Talia told me too do I took my katana and placed by her bed I looked at one last time before I left I had never been with out it by my side. I went to the place where they first brought me it looked the same from when I was little just that it has more blood this time. I went and sat down in a corner and hide in my shadows for the first time in 9 years. It still felt the same from when I first did like it a blanket wrapping around you keeping you safe and warm from all the bad in the world. It made me feel like that one time during winter my mother gave me and Gar a glass of hot cocoa and warped us in blankets. I went to sleep dreaming of my parents.

I woke up to the sound of gunshots and screaming. And the smell of smoke was thick in the air.

I hope you like chapter 2 pleas like comment and vote it would help me know I am doing something right in this world. Thanks and enjoy.


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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