Chapter 18

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I stood at the bottom of the stairs, my face a pale grey and my hands shaking by my side. I couldn't believe what i was seeing, a tall woman stood in the middle of the lounge. Her long brown hair matted and what looked like horns, sticking out from the top of her head. She had claws on the ends of her fingers that were dripping with blood, making a small puddle on the floor beside her. Her eyes where a wild red that looked as though they were on fire and could burn into your very being just by looking at them.

My father was sat on a small chair that was placed in front of the burning fireplace, his hands tied behind him and his face covered in cuts and bruises. I didn't know how all of this could have happened, when i was only upstairs for a few minutes. I hadn't heard the struggle or the fight that my father had gotten into. I had no clue where the strange women had come from, until i noticed a small circle with a star in the center, painted around her, each point to the star having a different symbol next to it.

Almost as if she had been summoned, that's when i noticed a dark figure that stood in the back corner of the room. He was wearing a long black cloak that hid his face but you could clearly see the huge grin that was plastered to his face as he watched the woman stalk towards my father.

"I'll ask you one more time Peter. Where is the chest?" Leo said as he walked around my father, until he was face to face with him, "TELL ME." He screamed.

"I'll never tell you where it's hidden." My father said with a husky voice.

All i could do was watch as my father stood up for himself but i knew what the outcome was going to be and i wasn't looking forward to it. I looked around for Finn and found him standing by the front door, his face showed no emotion but his body was tense and ready to fight. He knew what was coming and he was ready to do whatever he could.

"Finn said i couldn't trust you but i took no notice of his foolish accusation towards you. I guess this is my fault for not realizing sooner that this whole time, you've been trying to find out the location of the chest and obsessing over it."

"You had no right to keep it to yourself. I was your partner, yet you just saw me as a liability. I've been your friend for years, yet you couldn't even trust me enough to tell me, know look where that's gotten us." He said gesturing to the room, i could see the anger in his eyes as he spat the words out at my father but my father didn't once flinch. He wasn't afraid of Leo or maybe he wasn't afraid of dying.

Finn took a couple of steps towards him but the woman shot him a look that made him back away without a second thought, that's when it hit me. Shes the Rakshasa, the one Ace had told me about. He said that they can change their form, she must have chosen a woman because of my father. I couldn't bare just standing here, waiting for the moment my fathers life would be taken away from him. It was like waiting for the clock to strike four at the end of a long school day, the hand always stuck a second before it's time.

Leo stood and moved over to the fireplace and lent an arm against the ledge, his face was emotionless. He was about to kill his best friend and he didn't even seem fazed by it, this man must truly want the chest if killing someone is this easy for him. 

"Just tell me where it is? I really don't want to do this to you Peter."

"For as long as i live, I'll never tell a soul where the chest is hidden."

"Then you leave me no choice." And with that, the Rakshasa moved in close to my father in one swift movement.

I couldn't just stand here and watch as my father gets tortured and killed but i knew there was nothing i could do. I have no special powers and this is only a memory, so all i could do was watch. The woman slowly placed one of her long claws on my fathers thigh and slowly dragged it along the top of his skin, she pressed harder and harder until her whole claw was deep inside his thigh. 

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