October 25

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Well... Today was the most frustrating day of the month. The Nightmare Dance is in 6 days, and I still haven't bought a costume. Nikki said she had hers already, and she won't tell me who she's going as. And every store I go to, the costumes are all sold out! I can't wear what I wore last year because I grew over three sizes over the year. And I can't sew! Thank God my grandma can. I'd be completely hopeless without her.

My grandma works at a high school. She makes all the costumes for their plays. Their last play was Hamlet, and she thought that it might be okay to let me borrow the costume. The thing is: NO ONE KNOWS WHO THE HECK HAMLET IS!

"Well, you don't have to go as Hamlet, Deary. Maybe a prince, or a knight..." she trailed off as she was working on a another costume.

"Three Musketeers!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, Deary, but besides Halloween, what does candy have in common with a costume?"

"No, Grandma," I giggled, "I can go as one of the three musketeers!"

"Oh, YES! That will be really nice, Brandon. Very clever!"

And with that I went upstairs. I had a costume... YAY. 😑 I decided to text Nikki about it.

Me: I have a costume!

Nikki: Finally! Who are you going as?

Me: It's a surprise.

Nikki: Uh huh. So are you busy today?

Me: No not really. A few hours at Fuzzy Friends... Maybe a few video games.... Nothing serious.

Nikki: Hmmm....

She's coming over. I know she is.


"So your costume's a surprise, huh?" Nikki asked me playing fetch with a pug.

"Yes," I replied.

"Is there a way to bribe you?"

"Nikki, c'mon," I said, arching my eyebrow. "You know me better than that." There was a short moment of silence.

"I'm not making out with you, Brandon." Dang it.

"Well I guess you'll have to wait till the dance. Unless...."

"Not changing my mind either."

"Fine. We'll ask Sed (the pug)." I picked up the dog. "Do you think I should tell Nikki who I'm gonna be, or should she bust slides with me to get it out of me?"

The dog peed on my shirt. Nikki started laughing really loud. "I think that was a 'No.'"

I'm was not gonna wear that shirt any longer. I just wasn't, so I took it off. Nikki's laugh died out pretty quick. Was she in shock? This WAS the first time she's seen me without a shirt. In P.E., I always wear a rash guard because the pool is really insanitary. "You okay, Nikki?"

"I'm starting to think you like to torture me," she said surprisingly out of breath.

"You wanna kiss me NOW, don't you?"

"Maybe." Her voice trailed off. You know what that means... Details later; Nikki and I are kind of.... busy.


Comment if you want a double update.

Dork Diaries:Brandon's POVWhere stories live. Discover now