October 9 (edited)

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Call me crazy, but I think I've just had the best day of my life. It was exhilarating and awkward. Sure, Nikki and MacKenzie started roasting each other with no mercy, but may I just say I like Nikki even more for it.

It started when most things usually happen: lunch. Nikki and I were minding our own business, eating our food, casually making fun of the lunchlady. And MacKenzie and Sean came to sit down with us. We didn't have much of an issue; they were being civil enough.

They joined our banter and slowly started having their own conversation, saying sweet nothings. Things lead to another, and soon Sean pressed a kiss onto MacKenzie's lips. She responded by attacking him with her lips, which he didn't refuse, and they were having a full-blown makeout session across the table.

"Um... Do you mind?"

"No, do you? I mean, you did kiss my ex-boyfriend," MacKenzie said having the polite decency to lift her face away from her sloppy kiss. Sean looked dazed and a little confused when she finally let him breathe, which was kinda hilarious.

Nikki was getting a little tense. "At least I have the common sense to know when half a relationship is unrequited."

MacKenzie pushed herself completely off Sean, giving Nikki her full attention. "What's that supposed to mean?" she sneered.

"You pushed Brandon when you knew damn well he didn't want to be in it. Desperate much?"

"And you think he likes you? Please. Don't flatter yourself. He just pities you because you've been lonely everyday of your sad excuse for a life."

"Says the girl that has to wear a stripper's outfit for attention!"

While I would have loved to sit and watch the rest to see the outcome (just kidding, no I wouldn't), I knew I had to stop this before it escalated to one of the girls getting expelled for turning the cafeteria into the Bad Girls' Club.

"Ladies, please. I understand you both have issues, but I doubt you guys would want this to blow way out of proportion," I chided.

"Anything for you, Brandon," MacKenzie cooed.

"Yeah, whatever," Nikki muttered.

"Hey, look at me," I told her, already taking her chin in my hand for her to face me. "It's alright, okay? Breathe and know that what MacKenzie said isn't true."

Her red face went back to its normal skin tone. Nikki took a deep breath. "Thank you," she said. And we finished our lunch.


I walked to the library after school for my tutoring session, though, I had this odd feeling that someone was following me. Of course I casually looked around to make sure I wasn't, but all of the students looked to scrambling around the halls, trying to escape "hell."

So I turned back around and kept walking to the library, but the feeling of being watched didn't dissipate. And the footsteps behind began to sound like they were getting quicker, and they were. I was a yard away from being in the safety if the library.

"You can have my money! Don't kill me!" I pleaded. But one look, and I realized I wasn't in danger... well maybe. It depends on the reason why Chloe and Zoey cornered me.

"We aren't here to hurt you silly! We are just being good friends!" Chloe said nice at first, then she got a little scary, "You will not hurt Nikki."

Then Zoey, "And if you do, I'll chop off your hoo-ha and feed it to you."

They went back and forth saying these things.

"You are planning to ask her to the Nightmare Dance, aren't you?" Chloe asked, careful not break their pattern.

That's right! It's October. How I didn't remember till now, I can't tell you, but the Nightmare Dance is coming up.

"Of course. Now please, let me go. Both of your elbows are in my shoulder blade."

"Have good day, Brandon Roberts. Happy tutoring!" they said at the same time. (I'm starting to think they practice.)

I made it to the library safely, but Nikki knew something was wrong. She read me like a book, not that I was hiding how terrified I was. "Chloe and Zoey?" she asked.

"Yep," I retorted.

"So what shall we start on, my lovely student?"

"I'm not sure, really, but I do have a question."

Her brows knitted together, silently telling me to continue.

"The Nightmare..." I had to pause. There was this weird smacking sound, and Nikki heard it too. We both got up and followed it. It was no other than MacKenzie and Sean. "You both couldn't be any more obnoxious," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"No one was here, so we called dibs," MacKenzie laughed. They needed to hire a new librarian asap because the one we had did nothing.

"Let's just go to my house, Nikki. We can study there," I insisted. I didn't want any trouble. Nikki didn't want it either, but she wanted to be rid of it once and for all.

"No, we're staying here. I am so done." Nikki took a deep breath and said, "For the sake of my criminal record, get the hell out of here." MacKenzie laughed at first, but nodded and left, not forgetting to send me a wink before she walked out of the library with Sean in tow.

"You were saying?" Nikki asked tensely when MacKenzie left.

"The Nightmare Dance. I was wondering if you'd like to go with me."

"Of course! Should I help you run for Pumpkin King?"

"Nah, Marcus and Theo are already working on it. Are you running for queen?"

"Hm. I don't know, but sure, I'll try to do it." And I guess we were all set.

Dork Diaries:Brandon's POVOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora