October 21

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I found Nikki standing in a corner on the phone, crying. "Please. Just leave me alone. I've done what you've wanted me to, and we had a deal. Just leave Brandon out of this!" she begged. I wondered who she was speaking to, but I didn't want her to think I was eavesdropping. "Alright. Then you'll end it? You promise?" Nikki hung up the phone and dried her tears before she came "back to civilization."

Nikki was pretty shocked to see me waiting for her around the corner. "What was that about?"

"Nothing. Really.... STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" I put on a funny, serious face that looked like: raised eyebrows and pursed lips. We both had to laugh hysterically at ourselves. But as long as we should have laughed, Nikki stopped early and said,"I'm gonna miss you."

What does she mean *She's gonna miss me?* Nikki isn't leaving, is she? "Nikki?" She just turned to me and gave a weak smile. "Nikki, what's going on? Are you leaving?"

"Maybe, but not in the way that you think," she replied.

"OH MY GOSH! You aren't committing SUICIDE are you? I would kill myself with you!"

Nikki giggled. "I told you, Romeo, not in the way that you'd think. I'm not leaving the school either, just if you're wondering." Then where on earth is she going? Why was she crying? Who was she talking to? And why does she have so many secrets? I thought we had a united front here.

"Nikki, who were you talking to?" I asked.

Nikki's eyes widened. "I never knew you were watching me. It wasn't anyone we should worry about. "

I highly doubt that. Just a second ago she was crying. I KNOW there's someone behind all this.

"Are THEY forcing you to do something?" I asked.

"So many questions, Curious George," she replied, "No. MacKenzie and Jessica have nothing to do with anything. There's nothing going on."

"Don't lie to me, Nikki. I can see in your eyes something's wrong!" Mostly because they're red from all her crying.

"Brandon, I appreciate your concern, but I promise you: there's nothing wrong," she assured.

"Fine. I'll take your word for this, but if I see your head severed from your body, I'm not trusting you ever again," I lied.

I can't trust what she says. Not right now anyways. Nikki was just begging for DEAR LIFE that someone leave her alone. She was crying, and I'm not falling for it! There's something going on with Nikki... And I won't rest until I find out what it is. But for now, I'll need a nap.


In Phys Ed, and this I'd ridiculous for fall time, we were doing a swimming unit. We were learning about the duties of a lifeguard, so we needed to choose a partner to save. Nikki and I chose each other.

Then the teacher said it had to be of our gender. How PEACHY. I couldn't "save" my girlfriend, and my new partner was Sean. UGHHH! The day couldn't get any worse. Or could it?

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