October 3 (edited)

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My God, I'm turning into a sissy. She's been driving me mad since she got here, and I can honestly say that I don't mind. I don't mind at all.

She's just about the nicest girl anyone could meet, and I just want her to be all mine. Sadly, that's just not how the world works. Nikki Maxwell, the girl any guy would be lucky to have, is completely oblivious to the fact that I like her... A lot. And I'm turning soft, really soft. No man is supposed to be soft or falling in love. Especially me. But if it's so wrong, maybe I don't want to be right. Maybe I want my entire world to be turned upside down.

"Brandon!" my teacher yelled. "How does..."

I zoned out yet again while she was asking me her question."U-uh..." I stuttered.

"May I have a more complex answer?"

Nikki shot up her hand and said the answer as if she'd known it since birth. Did I mention she was also smart?

"Very good, Ms. Maxwell."

Of course she's smart. Nikki is nearly perfect. Embarrassed of the small episode, I hold my head down and doodle little pictures of what might relate to our lesson.

When we got out of class, Nikki stopped me before I completely booked it to my next class. I automatically smiled at her and brushed my shaggy hair out of my face.

"What was that all about?" she asked. "You're usually on top of everything. You know she just asked you because she knew you weren't paying any attention, right?"

I chuckled. "I guess today just isn't my day."

"You've said the same thing all week long, Brandon. Are you sure you don't need any help?"

I sighed in defeat. "Just tell me when, and I'll be there, I promise."

She gave me a small, but very sweet smile. "I'll text you. See you at lunch, Brandon." And she noticeability walked away with a little bounce in her step. Probably congratulating herself for her small victory.

Once again, I was distracted. Chloe and Zoey were making their way towards me, with huge smiles. "Uh huh. He's under the spell alright. Tell me, have you swooned in the past forty-five minutes?" Zoey asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I denied.

"Oh man, he's got it bad. He's using every boy's catch phrase."

"Omg! You guys are gonna be so cute together. I can already see the future Brikki fans now," Chloe squealed, contrasting very much to Zoey's calmness.

I love those two, but they can really run their mouths. I act clueless once again. Hopefully they'll get the hint that I don't want her to know.

"Guys, she's being a friend. Friend's help each other out. I suck at a subject she's good at. So as a friend, Nikki is helping me with it."

Both girls roll their eyes. "It's never just tutoring, Brandon. You're a guy with raging hormones being left alone with a girl you obviously have feelings for," Zoey pointed out. Boy, do I wish she were wrong, but I'm not going to push Nikki into something she doesn't want to do. I may be a guy, but I'm not an animal.

"Like I said before, we're just friends. Nothing's gonna happen."

Chloe laughed. "That's what they all say before they're an otp. See you around, Lover Boy. We have to get to class."

The two of them sped-walked to their next period while I tried to absorb my thoughts in a matter of a few seconds.

Alone, in a quiet library that no one very rarely ever visits, with a deadbeat librarian and Nikki. It sounded very tempting indeed, but I couldn't do that. Nikki might not even like me. It would be so humiliating to be rejected, whether it was in a room surrounded by books or by few people.

I shake me head to myself, bringing my bangs back into my eyes. I walked to my next class with three things on my mind: Nikki, whether or not what Chloe and Zoey said was true, and when I should go get my hair cut.

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