Chapter 1

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"Hola, mi nombre es Cassandra" said Cassie, Cassandra was in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
"Si" said a man catching Cassie's attention
"Quien eres tu" Cassie asked as the man turned around
"Tu no recuerda tu eres Papa" said a man with blue eyes and black hair turning to face her
"Papa, que eres haciendo aqui" said Cassie
"Para ayudarte con objetivo" John said
"Usted puede hablar en Inglés" Cassie said
"You see, you chose the same profession as I did and you're good at it but on this particular hit, you're gonna need some help" said John
"Thanks" said Cassie
"This guy is popular, hit men and women all over the world are going to be there today, some of them are teams, we have to make it our priority that he dies because of us" said John
"I have a plan don't worry" said Cassie
"I have a backup plan just in case yours doesn't go as planned" said John
"You better hope my plan works" said Cassie her tone said stern and serious which told him not to screw up

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