Start from the beginning

"Ryan," Pete mumbled, elbowing him. Ryan shut up as Pete smiled at Frank again, "We're all just glad you're okay now, Iero."

Frank offered them another small smile, "Yeah, well, looks like I'll be off work for a while, huh?"

Frank wanted to see if there was still maybe a chance he wouldn't be benched, but Hurley, who had stayed silent throughout most of this, nodded.

"It's for your health, Frank. Besides, it would be good for you to take some time to organise and take care of yourself." He said gently, and Frank sighed softly with a nod.

There were a few more comments made before Mikey sat next to him, the rest of the guys engrossed in a conversation as Mikey leaned over.

"Um, I... I don't know what's really going on with you and Gerard, but," Mikey sighed as continued, "He's in the waiting room too. Figured he would wait until you saw the squad before he came to see you."

Frank swallowed thickly, nodding at Mikey's words. "You can call him in." He found himself whispering.

Mikey nodded back at him, patting his shoulder gently before getting up and walking towards the door.

Frank took a second to gather himself before he spoke, "I... I'm really grateful you guys stayed here for me but I think I want to be by myself for a bit."

Everyone looked at each other wearily but nodded, most of them leaving the room so that only Lindsey and Ray were left.

Lindsey, who had been mostly quiet, came forth first to press a kiss to his forehead, "When I said you were gonna get shot I didn't mean literally let that happen you fucking dumbass."

Frank laughed slightly at her words, making her smile weakly before following the rest of the squad out.

Ray walked close to him and sat on the seat Mikey had been sat on earlier, "That was... some real movie-cop stuff, Frank."

Ray gave him his classic smile, though it looked too pained and tearful to have its usual effect.

"I'm glad you're alright, buddy." Ray whispered, looking like he wanted to hug Frank, but restraining himself when he saw all of the IVs stuck to him.

"I'm glad I'm alright too." Frank mumbled, trying to mirror his smile the best he could.

Ray chose to pat his head instead of hugging him, making Frank let out a small laugh. Ray smiled again at the noise.

"We called Bob about what happened this morning by the way. But he was in—"

"The Berkshires, yeah I know." Frank muttered.

Ray nodded, "Yeah... but he's already on his way here and he'll come around later, okay?"

Frank nodded, and they looked towards the door when there was a soft knock. Frank already knowing it was Gerard from the hesitancy.

Ray gave him a confused look but stood up regardless. "I'll come by later, bud. Oh, and also I already bought some non-alcoholic beer for when you get outta here."

Frank laughed softly again and nodded, fist-bumping Ray's extended hand before the man left. Frank's stomach all of the sudden lurching when he caught sight of Ray's gun that had been hanging low on it's holster.

The sight of it, for some fucking reason, making a shiver run down his spine, his stiff legs aching at the action.

The sight of the gun seemed to bring back the pain; the pain that had made him wish he had just passed out the second the bullet hit him. Though it all of the sudden felt as if the bullet was still in him, as if his blood was still pouring over his pants onto the gravel, running warm through the coarse hairs of his legs. His stomach cramping, his eyes screwing shut so tight it was genuinely painful.

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