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"OH KISS MY fucking ass, Jenny."

Frank was doing work, well, he wasn't exactly at work, he was at his apartment sitting at his messy desk. And maybe by work he meant he was cursing out his suspect for being a fucking idiot with a walnut-sized brain, but still work nonetheless

It was a dismal Saturday, and Frank had gotten the weekend off again. He figured he may as well start his weekend off working on that case he'd gotten Friday, because there really wasn't much he could do besides that.

Ray had told him to try and relax, wind down, maybe go to a club of sorts since he had inevitably found out about his star role Carlo Perez. But Frank of course just responded to that with, "I think the fuck not."

After that, Ray just sort of gave up on him.

Frank looked up from his desk, which was littered in all kinds of papers, to his small dartboard he had above it mounted onto the wall. There he had managed to make a small diagram of where the break-ins had occurred because he supposed it would be easier to find a pattern.

He heard a knock on his door, making him turn his head.

"Hey, I know you're busy but I made lunch." Bob said with a small smile, soon heading back to the kitchen.

He of course left Frank's door wide open because apparently closing a door fully was just too much of a chore.

Frank sighed glumly, closing his laptop and paper file before getting up and following Bob to their somewhat decently sized living room. Since they shared the rent, they could afford quite a nice apartment compared to most apartments in the area

Frank fought off the small smile wanting to creep on his face when he smelled lasagna. Bob had made his favorite, and he wasn't really sure why since he only did that when he needed something or when he was apologizing about something. But Frank ignored the reasoning behind the lasagna and instead took a seat on the small dining room table they had bought and put behind the couch in the living room.

Bob smiled at him when he walked with two plates and two sets of cutlery. Frank yawned and rubbed his head as he smiled weakly at Bob in some form of thanks.

Though Bob seemed to frown at that, "Did you get any sleep last night?"

Frank shrugged, the bags under his eyes speaking for themselves, "I thought I found a lead but it turned out to be a bust."

Bob didn't respond, instead looking down and starting cut into his food, Frank doing the same.

And Frank didn't know why he said it, maybe it was his brain's way telling him it was decomposing, or maybe it was because the real reason he could't sleep wasn't because of his case, though it did play a big part. It was simply because he was too busy thinking about him. Well, of course not him in general, he wasn't a thirteen year old girl crushing on someone, he was just a very confused adult. A confused adult who couldn't decide why seeing someone he was so sure he hated, made his stomach pool in such an unnerving way.

"Can you hate someone and still think they're attractive?" The question leaving his mouth before he could form any sort of internal protest.

Bob looked up, his chewing stilling as he looked at Frank with a questioning gaze.

"Uh, what?" He asked as he swallowed his mouthful.

Frank shrugged and continued sloppily cutting his lasagna, "Does hating someone make them unattractive?

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