Chapter 7 - Almost

Start from the beginning

"Oswald, Oswald wake up it's, you're having a nightmare"

His eyes suddenly shot open, and his breathing quickened. Once he realised I was there holing him, he grabbed a hold of me tightly and squeezed his eyes shut. 

"Heyyy it's alright, I'm here. I'm here Oswald, you're safe, you're ok" I hushed softly. I didn't loosen my grip on him, but instead pulled him in closer until his head was resting against my chest. I nuzzled my chin into his soft black hair, and comfortingly rubbed his back to let him know he was alright.

" you want to talk about it?" I quietly asked. He hesitated before giving me one small, slow nod.

"Y-you..." he let out shakily. He took in a deep breath before continuing. "T-told were a-ashamed that someone l-like me could..." he stopped talking. 

"It's alright, you can tell me" I reassured him. He sniffed and took in another deep breath.

"That someone like that everyone I care about...d-dies...then you...then blood started pouring from your mouth and chest...and the l-life just left your eyes a-and the warmth and colour left your s-skin..." he started to sob, and my grip got as tight as it could.

"It's ok, it's ok. You know it wasn't real, I'm here and I'm safe. So are you"

I rested my head on top of his and pulled him up to hug him properly. We stayed like this for a few minutes before he asked me," you...stay with me until I f-fall asleep?" I could feel him move his head up to look at me.

"Of course I will" even though he couldn't see, I gave him a warm soft smile. I let him go and he slithered back under his covers to try and sleep. I crept in next to him and hesitantly wrapped my arm around him. I felt him jump at this, but soon relaxed into my touch. Within minutes he had fallen back asleep, and I didn't have the heart to leave so I tried to sleep myself leaving my arm wrapped around him.

I awoke to find Oswald had wrapped his arms and legs around me and had clung to me like I was a life line or something. This made me smile. That's pretty cute I thought. His hair was flat, but all over the place. His mouth was hanging slightly open, and his eyes were darting around behind his eye lids. I think he might be about to wake up. I decided I should move before he does and sees us like this. I would be slightly embarrassed, and I'm sure he would be. I gently take one of his arms, which was wrapped around my shoulders, and moved it slowly to his side. I then take the leg that was wrapped around my own and moved it just enough so I could slip away. 

"E-Edward?" he muttered. 

"Ummm" I mumbled quietly. He hadn't opened his eyes. I took this opportunity to slip out as fast as I could. 

"Where are you going?" he groaned a little and turned over so he was lying on his right side.

 "I-I should just go back into my own room..." I felt my cheeks heat up while saying this. 

Oswald fluttered his eyes open, and moved his head so he was facing me. "I was comfy you know"This made me stop moving. My eyes widened and mouth opened a little.

" were awake?" I cleared my throat.

"Mm-hmm" he gave me a nod.

 "Uhh sorry. I-I thought you were sleeping and I-I-I didn't want to em-um-embarrass you..." I stuttered, not turning to face him. I nervously rubbed the back of my neck and heard him getting out of the bed.

"Why would I be? There's absolutely nothing wrong with us having a physically intimate friendship. You said that to me remember? Besides it's not like we haven't shared a bed before" he chuckled. This was true. When he was healing back at my apartment, I had slept in the same bed as him. It started as a way to keep him calm during the night, like last night, and then I just got so used to it and he didn't seem to mind sharing.

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