"Nick?" Harry's jaw hardened. He still had no idea the kind of relationship Niall had with the radio host but he wasn't in a position to question Niall about him.

"Yeah, Nick Grimshaw, my best friend." Niall smiled and looked up. "You know him, don't ya?"

Harry's smile was back.

"Just best friend." He muttered under his break happily.

"Harry?" Niall asked when Harry went quiet.

"Oh yeah, I uh I think I know him. I've seen him around here." Harry answered and Niall nodded.

The doors to the lift opened and both lads realized that they were on the ground floor.

They got out and started walking towards the large glass doors, leading to the outside world.

"So Nick always picks you up?" Harry asked again to try and chase away the silence that had engulfed them.

"Yeah, pretty much. Unless he's out of town, then he'd still instruct someone from his workplace." Niall explained. "He never lets me drive, especially now that the baby is growing."

Harry smiled, thankful that Niall had someone like Nick in his life. But then something Niall had said caught his attention.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked nervously, not really sure how Niall would react to him asking about the baby.

Niall chuckled. "You just did, but go ahead."

"Uhm what are you- we having?" He scratched the back of his head at how that sounded. But it was already out so...

"You mean the gender?" Niall asked amused. All Harry could do was just nod. "No no no. I'm not telling you the gender, you will find out the same way I did. Through the doctor during the appointment."

Harry was relieved. At first he thought that Niall wasn't just gonna tell him the gender, at all.

But when he heard that, he smiled.

"You are mean." Harry said jokingly and Niall stuck his tongue out at him.

"I mean it's only fair." Niall said.

"Fine fine." Harry huffed.

By now, they were outside and stood by the doors waiting for Nick to pull up.

"So are you okay? Like are you Desmond okay?" Niall asked carefully, not really wanting to hit a nerve.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, thanks. He hasn't tried to get to me again so that's a plus, although I hate the fact that he knows my address now." Harry said.

Unfortunately, before Niall could say anything else, a car pulled up and Nick got out.

He had a stern look on his face and was heading straight for Harry.

"Nick! Hey, you okay?" Niall asked, making the lad look at him briefly and the expression on his face softened.

"I'm fine, Ni, you?" Nick asked, eyes fixed back on Harry.

"I'm fine." Niall said and stood between the two men who seemed to have a staring down contest. "And play nice, remember what we talked about this morning."

Nick looked at Niall and back at Harry then he nodded.

"Look Harry, I don't know what you are up to but hurt Niall again and you will have me to worry about." Nick said and Harry's face fell.

Yes, it was understandable. Nick was Niall's best friend and was supposed to look out for him but it still hurt him to know he would think that Harry was after something.

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