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Snow POV

After the incident yesterday we have been looking into what the man was. He wasn't human but he wasn't anything from the fables either. We went around town talking to people, asking what they may or may not know about this type of activity.

"Hey Snow you know what, he was talking about how someone gave him his power. He said 'No matter what you do I won't die. He said I won't he gave me power to kill all of you!' I wonder who could do something like that?"

"I don't know but whoever he is he can't be left unnoticed."

We went all day asking and talking then when we were about to give up a man standing in the shadow of an alley stopped us.

"I here you're looking for the man giving out powers?"

"Yeah, do you know him?"

Bigby asked.

"Well I don't know his name but I do know how you could get some. But of course you will need to pay."

"Yeah yeah whatever just tell us where he is."

"He works downtown. It looks like a broken down burnt building but on the inside its a whole new world."

" Thanks."


He motioned his hand out for money while looking around. Bigby rolled his eyes and handed him a hundred. The man walked away.

"So what do you think? Should we trust him?"

I asked.

"I mean we could try."

We started walking to the place and sure enough we stumbled on a building that fits the description.

"Shall we?"


Then we walked in.

Snow x Bigby (Ended)Where stories live. Discover now