Chapter Two

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"Alexa, turn on bedroom lights," I said aloud.

My smart lightbulbs lit my room red, reminding me I had someone over for what I called the Bella Experience. Every Tuesday night, Hector comes to my place after putting his kids to bed, lying to his fiance, and saying he has to go into the office to do some last-minute payroll paperwork. A few times his fiance called and I would act like I was his assistant and answer his phone. She had to have known I was his lover but she didn't know for sure and therefore never questioned him or me.

I learned at fifteen what power a woman can have over a man. Shatia held me down and forced me to tell her I had sex that night and ended up getting me a plan b. I never told her about the money Gio had given me. The moment I went to Gio at school to tell him about the pill, he was sweating and stressing so much about it. He told me he'd give me anything I wanted as long as I didn't keep the baby. I saw that as an opportunity to really see how far I could go with it. So I lied to him and told him I was keeping it and gave him a long drawn-out speech about him not being able to control my body. Every Monday before school he'd end up giving me two hundred dollars and begging me to abort the baby and it escalated to him paying me to keep my mouth shut about the baby. He had multiple sports scholarships and didn't want to mess up his future with a kid. It proved how much of a fuck nigga and dumb ass he was because he was the one who didn't strap up before he decided to raw dog my ass. And with the reason that I was a virgin. I milked his stupid ass for all his little lunch money for about five months before I ended up telling him another lie about me losing the baby. To my surprise, he cried. He gave me five hundred for our 'dead baby's funeral' and then never spoke to each other again. I think I heard he started selling dope in Edgewood Commons but I didn't keep up or care about the rumor.

Shatia did everything she could to try and keep me out of trouble but it was only so much she could do knowing she was leaving right after graduation. I realized I had started ducking and dodging her just like she was doing our mother. I got tired of hearing the 'you're better than this' lectures and how I should respect my body more and asking me if I wanted to end up like our mother. I didn't know and I still don't care to know what it is Olivia did to get by but I was sure it was the lifestyle I was living. Once Shatia realized what she was saying was going in one ear and out the other she stopped trying to save me. She packed her bags and she and Sah'Deam left to move to Atlanta together. I hadn't seen nor talked to her since she left. Sometimes I get the urge to check on her and see how she was doing. Shatia never was a bad sister and I the bond we had I often miss. But as a woman in her thirties, I don't want to hear all that extra shit. Just let me live my life. But I know she would never let me do that out of fear of me turning into Olivia. Shit, I don't have a number of niggas ranging in the double digits coming in and out of my house and I don't have any kids running around that I could possibly make an impression on so if you ask me I'm doing ten times better than Olivia ever had and ever will.

The master bathroom door swung open and the steam from it filled the bedroom. Hector stood in the doorway with one of my plush towels hanging loosely from his waist and water dripping down his muscular body. I bit my bottom lip softly as my eyes trailed down slowly, taking him in. I usually don't let niggas spend the night after the experience. I have a 'leave the money on the dresser and don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way the fuck out' policy. However, it had been a few weeks since I'd seen Hector. His wife started bitching about him being gone all the time and how he's giving the wrong impression to his big head ass kids. I didn't know what excuse he gave her this time around and I didn't care to ask. My rent was about to be due and Hector always made sure I had a roof over my head. As long as I did the thing with my tongue that makes his toes curl as he said.

I got up on all fours and crawled over toward the edge of the bed where he was standing. I looked up at him through my lashes that I had just gotten put on and traced the top of my lip with the tip of my tongue. My eyes went from his gorgeous hazel eyes to his juicy lips that would place soft kisses all over my body. I trailed his body slowly before my gaze met his dick that was starting to stick through the towel. 

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