Chapter Seven

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"So, you coming to Chasity's birthday party Saturday, right?" Zola asked me from the other end of the phone. I flushed the toilet and rolled my eyes.

"Zola, why the fuck wouldn't I come to my godchild's party?"

"Bitch let's not act like I've just been consistently seeing you lately. You've been acting distant for whatever reason like somebody did something to your ass."

"I have not."

"You absolutely have. What the fuck has been up with you?"

I sighed and crawled onto my bed and cuddled up with my body pillow. I never discussed the hardships of this life with Zola. I knew she wouldn't understand. But between that and all this shit going on with Nova, it started to wear me down. 

"I'm just tired, Zo. I've been doing this for a long time and I'm just exhausted by it all."

"You can't just stop?"

"I mean, I can but then what? I have a plan but I'm nowhere near that goal."

"Did you even set a realistic goal? Were you honest with yourself about it?"


"I'm just sayin', YoYo! You and I both know you're the most money-hungry bitch either of us knows. I never understood where that came from. Either way, the goal you set has to be one you actually see yourself achieving and you have to actually do it."

Zola had a point. The original goal I had set, I passed years ago. Every time I met the goal I'd told myself I could keep going just for a little while longer and stack a little more cash and then I'd be done. I can't count how many times I've broken that promise to myself. It's just that once you get into the habit of making money, it's hard to break out of it. Nova was giving me a huge reality check about my want for money though.

Just as I thought of him, my phone vibrated with a text from him saying for me to come to his place across the hall. I smacked my teeth. You would think an apology for his crazy-ass wife would've been included but then again my expectations for this nigga's manners should remain at zero. 

"Zola, I'ma have to hit you up later."

"Is this about that Novarion nigga you asked me about?"


"I did a little askin' around-"

"Of course you did."

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"That you're nosey as fuck and can't never let shit be."

"Yeah, whateva! Your ass lucky I'm as nosey as I am. From what I hear, that nigga Novarion is crazy."

"Crazy how?"

"I heard from one of the girls at the shop that there was this burger franchise he invested in. Some nigga owned like a chain of burger joints and after Novarion's investment, he started making real paper. I guess the nigga startin' feelin' himself and told Novarion one day when he was comin' to collect that he wasn't gonna pay him shit. That nigga Novarion had somebody burn that man's face on one of them grills and then put his hands in the hot grease for the fries. And when the man still refused to give up where he had the cash, Novarion cut off a finger until he gave in."

I looked at my wall in shock and fear. "How many fingers did he have left by the end of it?"


This nigga was on some mob boss type of shit. No wonder his wife was the way she was. They were two crazy peas in a got damn pod. 

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