A Different Point Of View pt1:Through the eyes of star

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(This is the creator speaking...the next few chapters will be from the point of views of Star, Marco, and Angelica/Angie Diaz. This will be a prelude to chapter one and conclude where chapter two ended.

January 21st 2019:Dear Diary I have been working on using magic with my hands but no one knows because i think Glossaryck would tell my mom and that is not what i need right now but besides that i have learned that earth has a whole bunch of different languages and they sound really funny like there is something called Japenesse or maybe it's pronounced Jepanesse i don't know i guess marco can help me with that well I guess that's all for today.

"Star!!!!, The pony head show is on" Marco yelled.

"Get the Nachos"She yelled back.

"see ya later diary" she whispered while putting her diary up.

"Oh yeah pony head wants us to feature in her new episode"She told him while waiting for the pony head show to come on.

"Really she wants us, even me?" He replied

"Well really she wanted me and then i old her its a package deal" She said with pride

"Aww thanks star" He said in a calming voice


Dear diary me and Marco just got finished watching the new episode of the pony head show and i feel like something is wrong with marco I mean the Pony Head Show is one of his favorite shows but he just stared at me the whole time so im gonna do a test i casted a Curiosity spell on him so later i will go in the shower and since he is curious he will come in but there is a trick if nothing is up and he doesn't feel for me he will overcome the spell and I don't know whether i want him to walk in or not because i do like him but well you know so im gonna get back to ya Diary.

"Star?? Where are you" Marco yelled. "In the bathroom don't come in though!" Star yelled back. "What!?" Marco replied.

(walks in while she is naked)

"Im-Im-Im IM SO SORRY!!!" Marco cried."Marco!" Star yelled."MY mind is telling me no, but my body, my body telling me yes" Marco said."Umm isn't that the song your parents listen to with their door locked"said Star."ewwww" Said Marco "How about you erase my memory" he said. "Okay I guess" said Star. "Mind Eraser Nasty things spell" She yelled. "What happened?" Said Marco. "Oh nothing now go to sleep"Said Star."Okay" Marco said.

"So you got feeling for me Marco or were you just curious i want answers" She thought as she put him in his bed

January 22nd 2019:I think Marco has feeling for me but i don't know i thought that test would help me out but it didn't so im gonna go in his room and ask him

'Star...I can't keep these feelings bottled up for much longer...I think I might explode...' Marco said with a rose blush across his face. "I...love you...Star"...Marco was so lost in thought he didn't hear the door open. "W-What?" Marco jolted up out of his chair and saw Star standing in the doorway. "St-Star? Umm it's not what you think..um I-(Voice breaks)I-I'm just...I'm sorry..."

"What he loves me but why i-i-i don't understand" She thought to herself while running away

I Need You StarcoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin