Chapter 3

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Kelei:are you sneaking a guy out

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Kelei:are you sneaking a guy out

Y/n:yes but please dont tell sonny

Kelei:but he knows when I lie. And I'm a bad liar, I start laughing weirdly

Y/n:then just stay in your room and dont tell him anything, make up a lie or something just please dont tell him


He walked out. Jaden was now out the window and in the car. I walked out the room and went downstairs. Great kelei was already blowing our cover

Kelei:*laughs awkwardly*

Sonny:why are you laughing

Kelei:I umm I farted

Sonny nodded suspiciously. The only way he wont blow our cover is if we bring him


He looked startled when I said his name

Kelei:yes ma'am, I mean what y/n

Sonny looked at him even more weird

Y/n:wanna come with us

Kelei:not really

I gave him a look

Kelei:I mean, yeah

He got up and waved at sonny. Sonny waved back weirded out. Once we walked out the house I slapped him on the neck

Kelei:oww, what was that for

Y/n:you were acting weird as fuck

Kelei:its not my fault that's what happens when I lie to him

Y/n:well work on your lying skills

He nodded. We got in the car and sat down. Jaden was looking out the window. Jaden and Josiah were in the front while me and kelei were in the back

Josiah:why is kelei here

Y/n:because he walked in and found jaden climbing out the window


Y/n:he was being weird around sonny

Kelei:its not my fault. Sonny just knows when I'm lying

Y/n:everyone know when your lying

Kelei:not everyone

Y/n:really, who then


Josiah:I know when your lying, you just lied right now

Kelei:I didnt lie, remember that one time when you were still dating Monica (Josiahs ex)


Kelei:and you thought something was going on between us..... yeah well we fucked when you went to the store

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