Sports Festival Part 2

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Deku POV

Immediately, people start coming for us and our 10,000,155 points(A/N, this isn't inaccurate, I counted the placings of everyone on this team for the race) not exactly the ideal position, thank god we have Toru

"Toru, NOW!" 

"SPECIAL MOVE, HUMAN FLASHBANG!" our team covers our eyes. Once we open them, We're greeted by most of the teams disoriented

"Hatsume, Let's fly!" On my command, we lift off into the sky, we already have more than enough points to pass this is just a game of keep away for us. We quickly fly up to where no one can attack us, at least that's what I thought.

"DEEEEKKUUUU!" says an enraged cosplayer flying at them

"Hey! Look guys, Sailor Moon's flying!" Mina chuckles out, earning a snicker from the rest of us. Unluckily, that doesn't stop Bakugou

"Toru, can you do a flashbang again?"

"Sure thing Midori!" I here her say, followed by me covering my eyes, and bakugou falling out of the sky

"Thanks babe! You're like our secret weapon!" Mina follows up with, 

"No prob Pinky!" Toru responds with, causing Mina to turn lilac

"Aww cute!" I say, teasing the both of them

" I hate to interrupt this touching moment, but the hover jetpack's gonna give out soon!" Hatsume announces, followed by us going down onto the ground, less people are chasing us, but not everyone has given up quite yet

"Mina, lessen the viscosity and increase the PH in your acid" I say

(A/N, PH is the measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions in an acid, the more concentrated it is, the more potent it is, the lower the PH in an acid, the stronger the acid is, the higher, the less potent it is)

"Huh?" Mina deapans

"Make an oil slick!" I say in simplified terms

"Gotcha!" Mina says, with acid coming through the bottom of her shoes, tripping up the other two teams on our trail

"MIDORIYA!" Todoroki shouts at us, coming at us head on, ice encasing us as if in a ring 

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