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The day is here as Y/N walks into the huge school building of U.A High. Turning her head and eyes scanning while they looked around inside the building trying to find the nearest shower's knowing she probably smelled gross from all the weeks she hadn't gotten a chance to even get clean.

Y/N collected her uniform and brought a backpack as she hides the other bags in class 1-A girl's locker room and took clean clothes with her.

As she finally found the showers she sighs in relief as she turns it on letting her old clothes hit the floor and step under the warm water. The water hitting her skin made her let out a relief sigh, loving the feeling of all the dirt and worry washing off of her body. She felt fresh like a new person already, the replenish of her energy came to as she felt more comfortable with herself now. Y/N gathered some hand soap she had placed in a bag and poured it all over herself feeling her skin breath for the first time that felt like forever in her head.

Y/N tunred the water off and pat herself dry as she changed into the uniform feeling a bit happy. She tossed her old clothes in the nearest trash bin and made her way to class already seeing some students walking around and talking ,catching up and seeing if they made it into the same class.

Y/N knew some of these students from the exam especially the girl with the levitation quirk as she looked nervous yet excited as she cheers with the others about being a hero.

Y/N made her way to a desk and sat down looking to see if anyone was watching her before placing her head on the desk to only fall asleep as some students looked over to her worn out body as she is deep asleep snoring away.

"You think we should wake her up?" Kirishima asked as the students shrugged not knowing what to do.

"Nah, just let her man I am sure her quirk is what makes her sleepy or maybe that's how she activates it?" Kaminari says making the class look at him at his words of stupidity

"I remember her!" Midoriya says cheerfully.

Midoriya remembers the sleepy girl as she was the one to help him not damage his body for a bit as she would look at him when taking down the robot but remember when he got out her reach he broke some bones and Uraraka had to help him float safely down as Recovery Girl gave him a smooch.

"She has a shield quirk!" he says excitedly making Todoroki listen in as his father told him to look for her.

"I think she is the one who only got points in the support category for helping me, Uraraka and um..." He ramble as he remember All Might telling him a bit about her. "Supposedly she helped Kacchan? Even though he wasn't in our arena."

"WHAT ABOUT ME YOU DAMN NERD!" Katsuki Bakugou shouts making Midoriya cringe back from his outburst.

Bakugou makes his way over to a desk that is a row next to Y/N but he could see her from a angle as the students surrounded her. "Why are you idiots standing around her like that? Its creepy." Bakugou tch as he stood in front of the girls desk.

"Oh, supposedly she's the one who helped you I guess, with the exams, the only student that just scored the supportive category." Kirishima says filling him in. "But this guy said that you two were in opposite arenas so..."

Bakugou moves his head slightly to see the girl with her head in the desk as her dark hair is slightly damped yet is curling slowly as he noticed bags under her eyes as she never slept properly and this is the only way she got it.

Bakugou slowly remembers her as she was looking at him at the beginning of the presentation and he thought she was weird. Now that he rethinks about the new information that was given to him, the force punch he threw was her and not hims own. Hell he doesn't even know how she even used her quirk on him when they were literally a whole arena apart?

"HEY IDIOT WAKE UP!" He shouted but Y/N didn't budge a bit making him stand up and making his way to the desk. "LOSER I SAID WAKE UP!" he slams his hands on her desk.

Y/N felt the desk vibrate along with a loud voice making her sit up quickly and using her shield to blend into her surroundings making everyone gasp in shock on how she disappeared.

"Did she teleport?"

"No way that's so cool!"

"Dude you scared her off, whats wrong with you?"

"SHUT YHE HELL UP! Where did she go?"

Soon Y/N reappears making some of the students jump but she did not hold it for a minute making her confused as she noticed a man in front of the teachers desk dressed in black. His long hair stood up slightly, his eyes glowing red as she thinks it was his quirk stopping hers.

"Thats enough, everyone in their seats unless you want me to assign them to you." The man says as he goes back to normal before the students notice and making  Y/N quirk regenerate. "I am your teacher, Shōta Aizawa ." He introduced himself.

Y/N eyes squint slightly towards him as he seemed familiar as that name used to be on a person who wasn't a hero nor villain but with small group before becoming a pro hero with the others?

She couldn't put a finger on it.

Aizawa explains how the year will go and what training they will face along and things that will come up along with other school exams besides the hero cours.

Y/N couldn't help but get a feeling someone was staring at her as she looked to her left and no one of course then to her right. She did not see anyone till she looked a bit more back from an angle to see the a pair of red eyes staring back at her as his ashy blonde hair sticked up as his arms are crossed on his chest as he grits his teeth slightly.

She remembers him at the presentation room and outside the arena area before separating. Y/N considered him obnoxious when they were making their way into the designated area as he talked about being number one and all. She also remembered seeing him in the sky using his quirk which she was amazed by.

Y/N memory wasn't all there but she felt like she had helped him force his punch onto the robot when he carelessly went after almost everyone of them as exploding anything around him and others. The faint memory of her trying to focus the force just on the robot while shielding him.

"Now will you please go put your uniform and meet me outside for your first exam. If you fail you will be expelled." Aizawa says sluggishly making his way out the classroom.

Eveyone stood up and tried to argue that he couldn't do that but he was the teacher. He saw what was fitting to his classroom and that what made U.A strict and hard to get into especially when the principal lets the staff do what they wanted.

Quickly the students made their way to the changing room as Y/N stayed back not wanting to catch anyone's attention but she did.

Y/N felt a sweaty hand wrap around her wrist making her jump in fear turning to see the same eyes that looked at her angrily in the classroom.

"Yes?" She whispered not sure what the teen wanted from her.

Bakugou looked at her strangely as she looked shaken up at the sight of him as her grey eyes almost sliver even looked into his bright ones as he furrow his brows annoyed.

"You fucked up my entry exam." He says flatley making Y/N cock her head slightly confused. "Your force quirk did not let me take down that damn robot like I wanted to. You had to get in my way of showing off!" His voice slowy grew louder making her take a few steps back.

"I-I didn't know I could do that, s-sorry." She stumbled on her words making Bakugou annoyed.

"Tch, get in my way again it will be your head that I will explode!" He says bumping into her shoulder roughly making Y/N scared out her mind.

Great, I already regret coming here.

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