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A/N: I'll be fixing errors and the story line so bare with me cause I do want to finish this book and I'm deciding not to follow the manga. Thank you for all of your support 🫶🏼

Updated: 03/17/2023

Y/N lips curved up into a smiles as she cheers quietly in delight in her room. She had received the acceptance hologram letter to U.A by her favorite hero All Might!

Even though her smile is presented on the outside her true emotions are all over the place as she thinks of different ways to bring up the news to her father and stepmother, who voice their hatred towards hero's, yet they carry a quirk and think of their daughter will be unless in combat.

Y/N barley passed due to her quirk, Shield, which can only go to a certain distance if she is focused enough in on the person. The only reason she made it in to U.A was because she helped four people with every during robot the test.

She remembers the that day, especially the boy who broke his bones at the end. She cringed at the thought that she could not reach more than seven feet making her unable to protect him from damage.

Then their was the girl with a levitation quirk as Y/N hides by a building shielding her from an explosion that the short hair girl was not paying attention to. Y/N made sure she is left with no other marks or damages on the girl body.

The other was a tone boy with engines coming out his legs as he punched a robot and before it could do any damage to his legs. Her quirk made sure the impact bounce the force into the shield which made a even more bigger impact as the teen think he caused all the damage which could be but she did not know due not knowing her limits.

And the fourth was random kid who looked like he could handle himself but she made sure to hide when using not wanting to get in the way. The boy seemed to be using his belt to hit his target which made her think twice about helping seeing he had it under control.

In the end Y/N had passed out due to over using the quirk and woke up in Recovery Girl room on a bed with a headache as the small nurse hands her a candy for the light head she had.

After she got a couple of sweet kisses.

"Y/n, dinner is ready!" Her adoptive mother calls out making her gulp nervously as she hides the letter in a safe place for no one to find.

"Coming!" She calls back.

Leaving her room she heads down the hall towards the kitchen. She moved her raven like hair out her face as her fingers got stuck in her curls which annoyed her slightly. Her eyes grey, almost looking like a storm will form in them, held worriedness as she looked into the dining room to see her parents already sitting down.

"Y/N whats wrong?" Her father noticing her expression.

Y/N held shame as she knew whats to come.

"I-I have to tell you guys something." She stuttered slightly feeling the pit of her stomach drop as her heart beats quickly not sure what to do anymore. The palm of her hands grew sweat as she wipes them off on her clothes feeling anxious already as the two adults stare at her.

Y/N knew the storm is rolling in might as well just get struck by lightning and deal with the damage later.

"So I got a letter from U.A stating I got accepted, and I-I know how you hate it hero and all but-"

"What did we tell you about applying!" Her father voice boomed loudly making her look down to her lap. "Do you think you can become a hero with a weak quirk like yours?"

"Well that's the bright side of U.A sir. If I go maybe they'll teach me how to make it stronger." She defend herself as he looked away disappointed.

"Its like your asking to be killed...just like your mother." Y/N adoptive stepmother says making her eyes snap towards her.

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