Chapter 1.

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Two years ago...

I felt his hand roam around my naked leg, as his cold fingers trailed down to my inner thigh area. He forcefully opened both legs apart then plonking his heavy body on top of mine. I watched his hungry eyes as they spoke, in silence. His eyes told me how much he wanted me, how much he wanted to express his love for me. I arched my back as his touch drove me up the wall. He continued for a while, allowing faint moans of lust escape my lips. He growled impatiently as my hands explored his toned body. I slowly moved from the position I was in, then saddling on top of him. Marquez Houston's voice automatically turned me into his own personal slave. He guided me, rotating his hips to the rhythm of the soft melody and I soon caught up. I hissed in pain as his monster entered my tiny space. He gradually picked up speed, but I shook my head as tears left my eyes. He took hold of my arms, roughly rolling me over, throwing my body on the damp bed.

"I'm getting tired of the same sh*t Aeomi! Fix up man!" - I blinked the tears away, as I watched him throw a jumper over his dreads.

"I told y-you, I'm not ready yet."

"You never are, that's wh-... You know what forget it."

"No, finish what you started!" - I stood on my knees, watching him stand up.

"I don't want to make you cry, so just leave it out yeah? I'm gone." - he pulled the door towards his body and left down the stairs. I soon heard a bang from downstairs, indicating me he had left. Again. I slipped back inside the cold bed, allowing tears to fall from my eyes. I thought he'd understand y'know after the baby and everything but I guess I'm going to have to hurt by myself. I sighed heavily, looking down at the pillow beside me. Snaking my arms around my knees, I cradled back and forth, sobbing at my poor situation. Rex and I go back, like way back to nursery times. He made sure I was looked after and taken care even when my parents weren't around. He was my guardian, you could say. I guess things turned sour when I announced my pregnancy from a previous relationship.. He became distant, verbally abusing and just strange. I didn't know how to react to all the drama going on, so I left.

Now, I'm back and we re-fixed our rocky friendship which turned into more after a couple months of me returning. I love him but we both know we're too dangerous for each other. If my baby's father ever found out I was associated to Rex, all hell would break loose. I told him I was going over to my aunties in East, so he wouldn't bother me. I mean I love him, but not as much as Rex. I eventually got dressed, threw on my kicks and left the abandoned flat.

The streets were quiet and cold. A waft of cold hair blew in my face, making me shiver. I peered past my shoulder cautiously, to be met by a figure. I arched an eyebrow soon to see a whole shebang of figures emerging into the small light beaming down from a lamp post.

I fastened my step and so did they. Soon I was speeding down the endless road, panting heavily.

All I could hear were their heavy steps behind me, calling out various names. I cried silent tears as I came to a stop. This can't be happening, I thought to myself. I jumped and jumped, attempting to grasp onto the loose brick on the wall but failed miserably, landing on my arse. I looked back at the group of men.

"P-please don't." - I pleaded.

"Too late for that now, sweet-cheeks!" - and it all became a blur after that.


I sat inbetween Lisa's legs, groaning as she pulled on my roots.

"Be gentle init." - I kissed my teeth. She simply tutted and continued to torture my hair.

I felt bad after leaving her on her j's but her excuses are really starting to get to me. Like how's man suppose to show her affection if she cock blocks every time with the same sob story, I just can't deal anymore. My phone interrupted my thoughts, automatically making me reach for it. I held up a finger indicating I would be right back. Lisa nodded and I exited the room.


"Hey babe!" - a high pitched voice screeched down the line.

"Who's this?"

"Makayla, duh! Am I that forgettable?"

"Yeah considering you was only a one time thing." - I scratched my scalp.

"Wh-..." - I cut her phone.


And with that I hung up. Clingy chicks just make me laugh boy. I chuckled to myself, whilst entering the room. I re-positioned myself under Lisa's legs and let her finish off.

A week passed, and I was at Michael's house, the rest of the clique sat around the living room sending nods and 'cools' my way. I sat beside one lighty, who looked a little familiar. I shrugged my shoulders and listened in on the conversation.

"I heard they got done differently!" - Ollie spoke.

"Yeah! But I'm hearing Damien's lot ain't too happy about it though. I wouldn't be if one of mine got murked." - Kye input, going back to his game.

"What's Kye getting all worked up about?" - I asked, looking at everyone.

"Apparently someone got knifed last Friday, not sure who but some are saying its Damien's people init." - Paige walked into the room, with a tray of snacks. Obviously, Trey and Ollie were the first ones to dive for the food. I laughed along with the rest of us.

We jammed for a bit and I soon left, saying bye to everyone. Instantly my thoughts turned to her. I need to apologise, like its hard with her being all off with me everytime but I love her so I changed my route and made my way to her mums. After a 15 walk, I stood outside her door. I knocked enough times and waited patiently. The door opened and her mum came into view, tears stained on her pale face.

"Hi, I'm here for Aeomi." - I said, dipping my hands into my pockets.

"Ae-Aeomi isn't in son." - she bit down on her lip, looking uneasy.

"Do you know when she'lll be back?" - she shook her head before replying.

"I'm sorry." - and with that she closed the door.



I lowered myself in front of it, placing a fresh batch of Daisies on the rock surface. I trailed my finger around the bold lettering, with a frown.

"I miss you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2012 ⏰

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