Piggy in the middle.

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'I'm counting to three Li!?'

'I said I'm coming, so pipe it down will you?!'

'Watch it child, I don't need your mouth in my ear so early in the morning!'

This was a typical day at my grans. Me and her hardly get along, due to my 'mother'. She effed off to Brazil with her new toy-boy, Alec so now am stuck with this old bag!

I threw on my battered Jordans, and raced down the flight of stairs.


As my feet hit the ground, my nan was already nagging about how I don't respect the ground I live in blah blah blah.

'I'm going now!' - I chucked two fingers up, dismissing my grandma as quickly as possible then ran out of the from door.

Instantly, the cool winter breeze hit me straight in the face as I began pulling up my zipper.

I made my way to Nisa's, our local shop and re-stocked my bagpack with the main essentials for today's agenda. I pulled out my tongue at the shopkeeper, as I left him short of change. Twat.

Making my way to Iggy's house took me less than five minutes, we lived on the same area but different blocks... Mine being block A and his C.

The same group of boys stood beside the main gate, talking/laughing away as I made my way past. They stopped their actions, all eyes on me. Here we go.


'What?' - I spiraled my neck in the direction of the voice, to come to sights with Chris.

'Why you gotta answer like that though? Baby I just want to talk to you init.'

'Uhm-... We don't talk remember?'

'We can start to... Gimme a chance Li.' - he then stood up, moving closer to me.

I watched his character for a second and shook my head. Michael KNOWS he's sexy but he's just too big for his own boots. I don't do boys or men, its strictly business with these vultures.


I ran all the way to Iggy's flat and pounded my fist on the door.

'Who is it?' - a sweet voice replied from the other side of the door.

'Its Li.'

'Ah-... Iggy told me to tell you he's not in.'

'So, where is he then?' - my eyebrows then arched, as I listened to the girl.

'In his roo-...

'Open the f*cking door then!' - I bellowed to the white door facing me.

I heard locks turn and then door being pulled open.

'Don't forget to close the door on your way out, bitch!' - I kicked off my trainers and ran up the never ending flight of stairs to Iggy's loft/basement.

I don't know why, but this place gives me the creeps. I peered around and my eyes settled on an unusual shadow. I squinted my eyes, to get a better look of course but the light switch was then turned on so I twirled my head around, to be faced with Iggy's trampy self. He wore a fish-net vest, camo shorts and his beloved J's.

'What's with the face?' - I eyed him up and shrugged.


'Then fix up and get to work!' - he said whilst tapping away on his phone. I rolled my eyes, simply because if I opened my mouth we would be arguing for hours. I threw my bag somewhere and went over to my workplace.

I turned to my left, as I felt a presence beside me. I shook my head and began with today's tasks!


The wall clock hit 6pm, so I packed away my belongings and made my way to Iggy's office/bedroom.

I knocked on the door twice.

'Come in!'

I peered around the room, before stepping inside and instantly the whiff of alcohol and weed hit my nostrils.

'Ugh.' - I slumped down beside Iggy, as he was counting a pile of money.

'So how much did you make today?' - he asked.

'Not as much as I usually do. Its a bank holiday, so y'know...' - I shrugged, keeping my eyes on the money.

'Well you know the rules.' - he met my gaze and I swallowed hard knowing exactly what the rules are.

I've been in this game for so long, I could do it all backwards. I shift toys for Iggy, for high amounts of money.

I know, I know. Why would people buy toys? Well, moving drugs on road is slightly harder than it used to be so the easiest way it by using toys. We stuff, package, ship etc... Its easy money.


I spent the rest of day sorting out the stock, re-arranging delivery dates and packaging with the rest of the staff.

Rome, Idris, Oliver and myself laughed along to one of Brian's dumb jokes. I stuck labels on each merchandise, so noone would get confused.

Idris helped me place every sealed boxes in the mini van, and we high fived each other as the vehicle took off.

'I'm going home bruv.' - Oliver said, as he chucked on his Hollister jumper.

'Ahh its curfew time for the white boy." - Rome stated, making the rest of us laugh. Oliver shook his head and left us at that.

I finished the last stock count of the day, then closing up shop. We we're located in an underground unit, which was abandoned years ago.

I locked the door behind them feeling an uncomfortable wind whistle past me. I shivered on the spot, not wanting to move. I peered around my radius and noone stood in sight.

I shook away any bad thoughts and made my way to the van, where the rest of the gang would be.

"Took your time there!" - Idris inputed, as I shut the door beside me.


"Where to then?" - Michael asked. I shrugged both shoulders, then pressing play on my ipod allowing Meek Mill's music to drown my thoughts.

The car soon started up, and we we're on our way.

Piggy in the middle.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora