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Jack Grealish lay awake in his bed that he shared with his girlfriend. He looked over towards the end of the bed and saw that his son was sleeping peacefully in his cot.

The brunette boy looked to his right and noticed how beautiful his girlfriend was whilst she slept. Her skin was tanned and the moon illuminated it through the crack in the curtains. Her curly hair was scattered across the pillows but it was soft and smelled like raspberries. She had a tiny bit of drool in the corner of her mouth and jack thought that it was the cutest thing ever.

"Joelle," he nudged her, hoping to wake her up. He felt bad because she was hardly sleeping at the moment with their newborn son keeping them awake with every opportunity that he had but he had a very important question to ask her.

"Jojo," he nudged her slightly harder and when he heard her groan, Jack knew that he had achieved what he had set out to do.

"What is it? Is it Elio?" She started to panic through her sleepiness and Jack had to calm her down and tell his girlfriend that there was nothing wrong with their child.

The couple had chosen the name Elio as it stemmed back to Joelle's italian roots. It meant 'sunny and spirited' and that's exactly what he was. He was the sun in their lives and had lead them out of their darkness.

"Why did you wake me up then?" Joelle sat herself up against the headboard of their bed and turned to look at her boyfriend, waiting for him to say something that would convince her that he hadn't just woken her up because he was bored.

"Marry me." Jack didn't really ask, it was more of a demand and Joelle was completely shocked.

"Are you sleepwalking without actually walking?" Her hands started to touch his face, afraid that this was just him sleep talking or it was a dream.

"No, I want you to marry me." Jack laughed, removing Joelle's hands from his face and holding them in his own hands.

"You're the love of my life, Joelle. I can't imagine a life without you. Will you marry me?" The brunette boy's speech was short but it summed up how he felt perfectly.

Their lives were filled with extravagance and big ceremonies which is why Joelle loved that Jack had proposed to her in such a lowkey manner.

"Of course I'll marry you." The singer smiled softly, cupping Jack's face with her hands and leaning forward until their lips met in a soft kiss.

After pulling away from the kiss, Jack reached over to his bedside table and removed the velvet box from the drawer inside it. He opened it to reveal a simple silver band encrusted with a few diamonds either side of a slightly bigger diamond in the middle.

Joelle watched him in awe. She couldn't believe that the day had finally come. She was engaged to her best friend and her childhood sweetheart. Joelle Jarrett, soon to be Grealish, was living every girl's dream.

Jack slid the ring onto Joelle's finger carefully, feeling relieved when it fit perfectly.

"Future Mrs Grealish, huh?" Joelle smiled as she leaned back into Jack's arms, fiddling with the new ring on her finger. The room was dark but Joelle still admired the new piece of jewellery that symbolised her love and commitment to the man who was sitting next to her.

"I can't wait." Jack smiled. He couldn't help it, he was just so incredibly happy that he was going to marry the one person who brought him so much joy.

The couple remained in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company and thinking about what their future together could hold.

As Joelle was about to speak, Elio started to cry.

"I'll get him." Jack stood up from his comfortable position on the bed and picked up his son. Elio was a mini version of Jack. They looked so similar and Joelle knew that they would be causing trouble when he was older.

Sitting back down on the bed, Elio quietened down once he realised that he was in his father's arms.

Joelle looked over and realised that her life was pretty much perfect. She was going to marry the only boy that she had ever loved and their son was an angel.

"Are you crying?" Jack laughed as he looked over at his now crying fiancée. He knew that she was emotional from time to time, she always had been but he didn't expect for her to cry now since she held it together when he proposed.

"It's just that I love you and I love Elio and we're going to get married and-" the curly haired girl stopped talking and started sobbing, her emotions beginning to overwhelm her and take over.

"We love you too." Jack spoke softly, pulling his girlfriend in and letting her rest her head on his chest as he held Elio in his other arm.

Elio was still awake and his eyes watched his mum with curiosity. He didn't seem to prefer either of his parents over the other at the moment, he seemed to like being with either of them but Joelle felt that he would be a daddy's boy when he grew up to be a bit older. He reminded her so much of Jack and she loved that.

Jack watched as his fiancée interacted with their son with adoration. She had always been good with kids but seeing how well she handled being a mother to their kid made him want to put another baby in her. He wouldn't tell her that though.

Joelle was only twenty three and had accomplished everything in life that she had set out to do. she had the perfect man, the perfect career and the perfect child.

Jack was twenty four and although he still had some things he wanted to do on the football pitch, he couldn't be any happier when he was off it for he had the perfect girl and the perfect son.

"I'm glad that my parents called you to babysit me. No one else could fix me, only you." Joelle spoke, sleepiness evident in her voice as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

"Get some sleep," Jack whispered as he put their baby down who had fallen asleep a little while ago.

"I love you." He kissed her forehead and watched as she drifted off to sleep.

Jack stayed awake for a little bit longer, thinking about how lucky he had gotten.

If life was a lottery, Jack and Joelle had definitely won it.

a/n: and here we have it! the end of 'only you'! i am currently sobbing as i'm writing this author's note. i think this book is my favourite. the relationship between jack and joelle is one that i envy a lot. the way that they care for each other is just so beautiful in my opinion.

this entire book stemmed from the scene where joelle found jack in the gym to tell her that she loved him. it was originally a dream that i had and although the dream was very different, i'm glad that it all happened.

i don't think i'm ready to say goodbye to these two. they have my whole heart and i love them both so much and little elio is perfect.

some people are worth forgiving.

thank you to all of you who have supported this book in any way at all, whether it be through reading, voting, commenting and/or adding this book to a reading list. your support will forever mean the world to me. i love you all unreal amounts.

i have thoroughly enjoyed this journey. i couldn't have done it without you guys and i certainly couldn't have done it without @harrywinksxx the amount of times we've called and she's helped me out with certain ideas when i've been a bit stuck. thank you poppy!

this might be the end of 'only you' but we have big things coming if you're willing to stick around.

thank you from the bottom of my heart and for the last time in this book:

enjoy and stay safe!

lots of love, e x

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