All Forge could think of was the wedding, and almost asked him if they could get married, but figured she would save it for later.

 All Army could think of was Aloha. He still loved him with all his heart...and didn't want to believe that he cheated on him (Which he didn't) But he knew he had to move on, and Forge would be perfect for him. 

The two sat on Army's bed for a while, until they heard the door open.

Surprise, surprise, it was Aloha.

His head was facing the floor, and he had no emotions on his face. Just a blank expression. 

Army was surprised, he had never seen Aloha like this.

Aloha looked up, and saw Forge and Army sitting next to each other on his bed, with Army's head on Forge's shoulder. He didn't say anything. He couldn't change anything. Forge's plan worked perfectly, and he couldn't do anything about it. 

Army immediately lifted his head from her shoulder, and walked as far away from Aloha as possible. Aloha opened his mouth, but no words came out. He closed it, and slowly limped over to his bag. He carelessly zipped it, checked the bathroom for any more of his belongings, and limped back to the door. He gripped the doorknob, and stood still for a few seconds. 

Army watched him. He was still mad, but wanted Aloha to come back. 

Aloha wished that he could kiss Army again. He wished that they could be together again, and bitchy Forge wouldn't try to stop them. 

Forget it...! I have to move on... he thought. But of course, he didn't want that to happen. He sighed, and opened the door. 

He. Couldn't. Do. Anything. About. It. He knew he needed to accept it. (Noooo don't Alohaaa)

He walked out, and closed the door behind him.

Army's eyes widened, he thought that at least Aloha would try to deny it. But he didn't. He lost Aloha...

Before he knew it, tears were streaming down his face and dripping onto his feet. 

"Army? Why are you crying? He cheated on you. You have to accept that." Forge muttered angrily. Geez, just forget about him already! she thought, irritated that Army still wanted Aloha. 

Army stayed silent, and rubbed his eyes. "I know..." he mumered.


Aloha limped out of the hotel, and to the train station. He texted Mask and Skull that he'd be leaving early. They both shrugged it off, relieved that 

This vacation is a disaster...

As he waited for his train to take him home, he checked his phone, and saw a few texts from his team.

Diver: Yo! 'Loha! How's your bf?

Octo: Oooh! Yeah! What's happening?

Straw: Guys, we don't always have 2 know what's going on with his love life!

Diver: ....

Octo: ....

Straw: ....

Straw: ....yeah we do

He chuckled softly. Classic pink team. Even if they can be VERY nosy, they were still his best friends, and would always make him feel better if he was feeling down.

Aloha: I'll... tell you guys later.... and I'm leaving early. 

Diver: Oh god what happened.

Straw: Did Army do something if he did I will fucking kill him with no hesitation

Octo: yeah let's hope not :D

Aloha tucked his phone in his back pocket as the train arrived, and he hopped on. He found a seat to sit on, and stared out the window. 

He then felt tears. A LOT of tears. He was sobbing. People were looking at him in concern, but he didn't care. He couldn't stop it. He lost Army forever. 

He kept sobbing until the train arrived at Inkopolis Square. 

He forced himself to stop crying, and limped out to see his teammates waiting for him. Diver was scrolling through his phone, Octo seemed very bored, and Straw was playing with her hat. She then noticed Aloha limping over to him, and nudged the rest. They all ran to Aloha and greeted him. 

But Octo saw that his eyes were red, and that there were dried tears on his face. "Aloha...? What's wrong...?"she asked, concerned. Aloha couldn't hold it in anymore. He burst in tears again, and hugged Octo VERY aggressively. The rest didn't question anything and they all hugged him back. "Shh... we're here... you're okay..." Straw whispered into his ear. 

Aloha smiled sadly...



not gonna lie I started crying while I was writing this.

I am pretty emotional :/

bItChY FoRgE (Aloha x Army)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें