Chapter Three

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I sat down in a chair facing his desk and he sat down in his. “So you’re new here, have you got your timetable yet?” He asked me, moving a mountain of coloured files to one side of his desk. “No, Mr. Clarkson just asked me to come to your office,” I replied.

“Ok, I’ll ask Miss. Shackleton to print one out for you,” He got up out of his seat and walked over to the lady at the computer just outside his office. Liam was now printing out whatever it was he needed to print. Mr. Rimmer returned with my timetable and handed it to me. I looked at my first period, English, Miss. Redpath.

“You can go to your first lesson for today, if the teacher asks why you’re late, just say you were with me,”

“Ok, where’s Miss. Redpath’s classroom?” I hated starting a new school, not knowing where anything is, not knowing anyone else.

“Go straight ahead and through the doors, second classroom on the left, Liam can show you where it is, he’s in the same class,”

“Ok, thank you,” I picked up my bag from underneath the chair and turned to the door to leave, Mr. Rimmer followed.

“Could you take Dani here to your class with Miss. Redpath, she’s new here,” He asked Liam who was collecting up his paper from the printer. He nodded to Mr. Rimmer and opened the door, me following.


“What are they?” I asked curiously, looking at the paper in his hand.

“Our lesson today, MacBeth,”

“Exciting,” I said sarcastically.

“I know,” he replied equally as sarcastic, “At least it’s better than Mr. Budgen’s classes,”

“Who’s Mr. Budgen?”

“Just another teacher here, all he does all lesson is sleep and bet on horses,” He said as we walked through the big double doors leading to yet another corridor.

“Sounds fun!” I said, letting the dark green doors close behind us. There seems to be a theme of dark green doors in this school.

“Not when we’re forced to sit in silence and ‘analyse’ pointless poems,”

“I don’t really mind English, it’s alright,”

“You can tell you haven’t been here long,” He laughed and opened the door leading to a classroom filled with about twenty year 10s talking and laughing to friends whilst doing their work.

“Miss, this is Dani, it’s her first day here,” Liam said, handing her the pile of paper he had printed out just before. Miss. Redpath was quite short and had dark brown hair down to her shoulders. She was wearing a blue jumper and smart grey jeans. “Ok, you can sit down over there, next to Chlo,” She pointed to a spare seat next to a girl with long dark blonde hair and a kind face who was talking and laughing with a girl with black curly hair tied up in a large ponytail on top of her head. I threw my bag under the table and sat down on the chair next to Chlo.

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